
Tranquillising Temperaments through Architecture

Abhishek Thakai
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering

Idea projektu

“The metaphor of life is rooted in architecture. To be born, to grow, to be is an architectural experience. Thus architecture is the biggest unwritten document of the history.”

- Daniel Liebiskind

History has left us with many incidences and events that has lead us to what we are today. These incidences were a driving force for the better future along with leaving a trail of chaos in the lives of people.

In great cities, the great buildings tell you things you don't know and remember things which you've forgotten. It's a collective wisdom, an engine superior to your own intelligence.

When you explore any site concerning such events you put yourself into the souls of those who are not there and into the emptiness. You try to see how it would feel to be there when you're not there and then you are suddenly enveloped in a space that isn't just what you see on the ground. You're in connection with that place and its history, and that connection speaks to you.

Mumbai being the capital of commerce had many mills which were the reason of survival of 9 lakh people. But there were incidences that happened which not only took away their abode but also caused an uproar in the city’s balance.

Architecture will be used as a medium in this dissertation to foster emotions and temperaments revealing a person’s unusual thoughts towards the events thus rationalizing his/her wisdom. Thus revealing the past, to lead us to a better life by tranquilising our temperaments.

Popis projektu

C O N C E P T - “Tessellation of the Fourth Dimension”

The distinction between the past, the present and the future is only stubbornly persistent illusion

-Albert Einstein

Here time is take as a tool to reveal the wisdom for the society. the past, the present and the future is connected through play of events abstracted through architecture.

The concept of the design drives on the following

two points.

- Retaining the old structures to portray the past by adaptive reuse
[ The retained buildings will be adaptively reused i.e. mill to museum. The museum will portray the mill strike 1982 with its consequences and repercussions]

- Introducing a new architecture of hope
[ A form based structure will pierce through the retained structures acting as an extension to the structure thus creation contrast to the retained ones by overpowering in terms of form yet respecting them]

Museum of Chronical [ Past]
The Museum of Past reveals the consequences the Mumbai mill workers went through.
Foyer with an experience of gratitude
Space of Glory depicted by the commanding Chimney
The space of uncertainty where the frosted glass anticipates the dusk
The space of Deceit where user experiences the phase of mill workers who are striving for life
The space of Tear apart which abstracts the people life after the mills were shut down because of mill Owner's greediness
The space of Suicide & Starvation portrays the immediate consequences on the people’s life

Museum of Rife [ Present]
The Museum of Present portrays the effect of shutdown of mills
The space of Choice portrays the paths chose by the people. The ramp of future was forbidden & two paths of underworld and communal riots were chosen
The space of Puppets and walk on spikes portrays how an individual was
forced to do anything just to get money
The space of aftereffects shows the chaos going on
The space of graves portrays the loss of innocence leading towards the
shattered Earth
The space allows a pause before the user is asked to contemplate the go through
The space of contemplation portrays the life taken by the people towards
fake ray of hope

Museum of Wisdom [ Future]
The museum will portray the restorative thoughts like Empathy,
Tolerance, Respect, Integrity and Inclusiveness

Space of Empathy [ understanding of the thoughts, feelings, or emotional state of another person]
Here the user experiences first space of tranquillity wherein he starts to understand the connection with nature as a Healing element

Pause for the Future with a hope of positive dawn

The space of Forgiveness & Tolerance

Space of Respect [ An attitude of consideration or high regard]

Space of Integrity [ Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code]

Space of Inclusiveness [ The property of being everything within its scope]

URBAN SPACE – [ Making Museum part of People’s life]
Fashion Street
Urban Plaza
Theatre complex
Lecture Halls
Double level Parking
Open Air Theatre
Food Street
Art space
Exhibition space
Jogging space
Beach view spaces

Technické informace

Land use policy -

If the mill owner wishes to sell the land the Government puts the following conditions,

- 2/3rd of the land to be given for public use

- 1/3rd could be used as per the owner’s will

Since the site is of 12.56 acres and for my design the site required is 7.25 acres,

The site could be divided into
8 acres for public use and the remaining 4.56 acres for mill owner



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