
Autonomus enclave Tennis Academy, Janské Koupele; Exogenous revival and resurgence of rural Pomoravičí

Roman Osika
VSB - Technical university of Ostrava
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

The proposal reacts to changing environmental, ecological and social conditions. It points to global environmental issues, respects nature and uses the space where it is placed. The proposal is design with a respect to holistic considerations of hedonistic sustainability.

Popis projektu

The locality has a character of natural. Nature is a part of our complex world, therefore we should keep respect and devotion toward it. The lot takes place in meander of the Moravice river. It is surrounded by hills which hide it to the country around. This closed space is one of few in this area which are not settled. I understand it as a room full of natural elements.

Notification of global environmental issues of our world has influenced the process of designing a lot. Holistic perception of the World does not allow us to ignore today's changes of economy, ecology, society and technology. My proposal which takes hedonistic sustainability of Bjark Ingels as an inspiration give way and leave the space for nature to take possession of what has been taken by the human. More space is devoted to nature than to to human beings. The height of the building does not overcome the height of the highest hill around. The building becomes visible once you enter the inner area surrounded by hills.

Technické informace

I protect Pomoravice from urbanization. I concentrate the volume to the smallest area. Instead a sport and leisure complex I propose compact high-rise. It's functions are organised vertically. Supporting structure consists of three elements: circle beams made out of reinforced concrete, stiff inner core and residential modules supported lattice structure.

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