Idea projektu

The aim of the urban-architectural design is the revitalization of a historically significant area in the municipality of Brněnec. The proposal includes the creation of a dignified memorial for survivors (the Museum of Survivors) and the preservation of the heritage of Oskar Schindler's camp. Simultaneously, it focuses on the development of the northern area with a commercial center and educational spaces, while the southern part is planned for the construction of sustainable housing for families and seniors. From the outset, our intention was to strongly connect the design with the historical events of this location, especially with the stories of Jewish survivors. Since the area represents a celebration of life and not a mournful memorial, we developed a concept based on the stories of Schindler's Jews after World War II. After the war, the Jews saved by Schindler dispersed around the world. We documented these directions and based on them created a concept called the "Network of Life" which Schindler enabled them to create. First, we identified the central point of the area (Museum Square), where, just like in the film Schindler's List, strong emotional moments occurred at the end of the war. Then, we mapped the directions in which Schindler's Jews dispersed and settled, for example in Poland, the USA, Israel, etc. Based on this analysis and the urban analysis of the village of Brněnec, we began creating a specific urban plan. Our proposal emphasizes the preservation of historical memory while simultaneously creating a vibrant, functional space for the contemporary community. The integration of commercial and educational spaces with residential areas supports sustainable development and respects the historical context of the area.

Popis projektu

The museum design draws inspiration from an urbanistic concept where the "Network of Life" is translated into a three-dimensional structure dispersed by the wind. This design symbolizes the chaos and confusion that pervaded throughout the period of the Second World War and persisted even after its end. Based on this urbanistic framework, newly designed sections are integrated into the original buildings, connected by an underground floor. The museum's exhibitions and operations are organized chronologically, with each floor dedicated to a different theme. The exhibition starts on the first underground floor and gradually leads visitors through various stages of history.

Technické informace

The construction of the newly designed section of Schindler's Ark is composed of GFRC panels, into which the original structure is anchored. This innovative approach integrates the historical elements with modern materials, creating a creative blend of old and new. The entire structure is further reinforced with internal walkways in the atrium, ensuring stability and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the space. The new hotel and community center boast a sophisticated architectural design. The primary structure is formed by a spatial framework, which is elegantly clad in Corian. This choice of material provides a sleek and contemporary finish, contributing to the building's modern aesthetic. Additionally, the supporting system is composed of glass columns, which not only offer robust structural support but also allow for the interplay of light and transparency, creating a visually striking and inviting environment.

Adam Konc, Valeryia Khlimankova, Nella Němcová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



Architektura Cultural
  • Cultural Center
  • Gallery
  • Hall/Theatre
  • Memorial
  • Observation Tower
  • Pavillion
  • Religious
  • Scuplture
  • Schools
  • Nursery
  • University
  • Library
  • Other
City Hall Hospitality + Sport
  • Amusement Park
  • Bar/Nightclub
  • Hotel
  • Restaurant
  • Information Center
  • Movie Theatre
  • Sports Center
  • Stadium
  • Wellness/Spa
  • Zoo/Aquapark
Landscape + Planning
  • Playground
  • Parks
  • Public spaces
  • Gardens
  • Waterway
  • Cemetery
  • Apartment
  • Multi Unit Housing
  • Private House
  • Student Housing

Rada studentům

Akustické panely v otevřeném prostoru

Adame, Valeryio a Nello,

akustika je často opomíjena. Možná by některá z našich designových akustických řešení mohla pomoci. Velké množství tvrdých reflexních povrchů zvyšuje ozvěnu a vyvolává pocit stísněnosti a nepohodlí. Hudba a mluvené slovo jsou nesrozumitelné. Akustické panely Silentmax lze potisknout nebo řezat do libovolných tvarů a vytvořit akusticky pohlcující designovou strukturu. Posuňte svou představivost dál a inspirujte ostatní. Přeji hodně úspěchů.

David Piska



Zabýváme se High-End audiem a akustikou pro náročné. V roce 2022 jsme patentovali značku akustických panelů Silentmax®, které jsou cenově dostupné,…

David Piska


+420 603 775 298

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