Inspireli fulfilled Interior winner’s wish!

Student's wishes 24.1.2023

Inspireli Awards is making dreams come true. Inspireli achieved to fulfil the first of the 3 wishes proposed by the last year’s winners. Behrooz Nakhaei wished for obtaining funding to study Architecture at MIT in the United States and Inspireli helped to make it happen.

The world’s largest student competition in Architecture, Inspireli Awards, has introduced a new 1st prize for the winner(s) of each the three categories (Architecture, Interior design and Urban design). Last year was the first round and Inspireli received 3 wishes to fulfill to its best, utilizing the power of its worldwide community. 

Behrooz Nakhaei, the winner of the interior design at the IA 2022 with his project PopArt Center wished to receive funds to study his master’s degree in Architecture at one of the most prestigious universities in the world – the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT in Cambridge, USA. 

You can find a video about it all here.

Inspireli has contacted the head of architecture at MIT, professor Nicholas de Monchaux, and the professor conveyed a positive response, saying that “We look forward to connecting with Mr. Nakhaei as we do with any student seeking admission to MIT, and we are delighted by his interest in our programs. It is important to us that financial circumstances are not a barrier to any student seeking to study architecture at MIT, and we are happy to share that we offer fellowships to all students based on need, up to and including a full fellowship. We invite any curious student to find more information about our programs, as well as financial support to all students, at".

Mr.  Nakhaei is now going through the admission process and Inspireli is working on the fulfilment of the other two wishes. „We are amidst negotiations with Zaha Hadid and other European studios so that we can fulfil the other wishes. We believe this kind of prize is more inspiring than money and we hope to make more of them come true as the Award continues“, says Mariana Vahalova, president of Inspireli Education, the Virtual University of Architecture, an extension of Inspireli Awards.

Inspireli Team
24th Jan, 2023

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