
Strengthening Togo's educational and socio-cultural sector: Construction of a multifunctional documentation center et Lome II

Wallem WIlly Franck VOYEZ
Ecole Africaine des Métiers d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (EAMAU) a Lomé (Togo)

Idea projektu

AFNOR defines the documentation as the set of techniques allowing the permanent and
systematic treatment of documents or data, including the collection, the reporting, the analysis,
the storage, the research, the diffusion of these, for the information to users. The documentation
center is indeed part of the development infrastructure that can be found around the world.
Africa is no exception. African countries have appropriated this type of equipment. These
centers generally differ according to regions and educational and socio-cultural contexts. Togo,
which is embarking on a policy of major works and construction of major equipment such as
the Autonomous Port of Lomé (PAL), the new terminal "GNASSINGBE EYADEMA", and
many others, must be equipped with a documentation center knowing that its neighbors have
already taken the plunge. With the many improvements needed in the field of education and
culture, a multifunctional documentation center would be an ideal equipment for the
development of the country.
We first visited and studied similar infrastructure in the country. By studying other similar
equipment located on the European continent and Asia, and by synthesizing all these elements,
we were able to bring out elements of programming and technical options that we integrated in
the study of our project.
After having determined a site meeting pre-established criteria, we analyzed it to know the
assets and the constraints that allow to give the outline of the project.
We have, in the same vein, developed a qualitative image in several points that define the
formal, conceptual and environmental character that guided the architectural proposals of our

Popis projektu

A brief analysis of the different types of existing equipment in Togo shows us that
Socio-cultural and documentation buildings are among the most
financing. This can be explained by the fact that other areas such as health,
access to drinking water and electrification are receiving more attention. But all the countries that
aspire to development will go through this step which will consist in setting up
adequate equipment to educate the population. It is in this light that the
Togolese government has introduced a new cultural policy since March 2011.
The general objective of this policy is to lay the foundations for cultural and
while orienting it to maximize its lasting impact on success
a broad range of growth objectives. The interest of our study lies therefore in this
concern to participate in this emergence of Togo through the establishment of
socio cultural documentation that will stimulate its development.

Technické informace

In the current context of change, global warming and all
the consequences that this entails, the integration of an environmental approach becomes
must. This is a factor that imposes itself on all construction stakeholders and more
especially to architects. Indeed, these are the precursors of new forms of
So we put a lot of emphasis on energy efficiency in the building.
This is also part of the HQE approach which is part of the foundation of our project. We
We wanted to integrate it at every level of our project.
7.1. The vegetable belt
She seals the building. Its main goals are to improve ventilation on the site.
It offers an area of ​​pleasure for concentration, meditation, reading, creativity. The
Botanical Garden and the various landscaped areas enhance the comfort of this
space in order to best meet the expectations of the population. Among other utilities, it favors
sound insulation compared to street noise, the public square. It also serves
of air purifier and brings shading that creates comfort.
7.2. The building envelope
The building envelope is a decisive element in the comfort of the building. He is responsible
to protect its occupants and to offer them the necessary conditions for their comfort. He must
ability to dissipate heat, regulate the internal temperature, maintain the integrity of
the whole building. We have therefore made the appropriate arrangements so that our
envelope fulfills these functions.
7.3. The bright atmosphere
Optimal lighting is essential in library spaces. Indeed this one reduces
stress, fight depression, increase productivity and reduce absenteeism. The lighting
natural is optimized in reading rooms. The glass walls and supermarkets under
slab allow optimal lighting.
A multifunctional documentation center in Togo

7.4. The vegetation
The vegetation is very present in our building. It forms the central core that connects
two components on the ground floor. This garden allows maximum ventilation, creates a
micro climate by evaporation. It is also a pleasure.
7.5. Renewable energies
The integration of energies and more particularly of photovoltaics will make it possible to
reduce the operating costs of our complex.
7.6. Rainwater recovery
Rainwater from the roof will be recovered for the maintenance of green spaces
of the site and for the army fire network. They will thus serve to feed the mouths
Since we have a large patio, the question of the evacuation of rainwater
from the patio we questioned. We then thought of making a slight slope that guides
the waters towards the patio. From there, they are recovered by an evacuation channel that transports them
through downpipes to a cistern buried in the patio floor. They are from
when recovered for use in watering.

A multifunctional documentation center in Togo

7.7. The double roof
The main function of a roof is to protect the building from the elements, ensuring
its impermeability, its mechanical resistance and its thermal and sound insulation. This last
aspect is essential to ensure the comfort of the occupants. In places we have two
elements separated by a blade of air to obtain a better control of the conditions
inside of our equipment.
8. The technical party
8.1. The shell
8.1.1. Earthworks
The project site is relatively flat and requires only a slight leveling operation
by stripping the surface layer.
8.1.2. The foundations
Not knowing the exact nature of the subsoil yet, we can not speculate on the
nature of the foundations of the building. These will be determined after the geotechnical studies
and engineering calculations.

A multifunctional documentation center in Togo

8.1.3. Elevations
All the walls in elevation, will be hollow agglomerates of 15 cm made of cement mortar
dosed at 250 kg / m3. The walls will be insulated with panels of 30 mm glass wool
covered by 10mm plasterboard.
8.1.4. The structure
This is a post-beam structure of reinforced concrete. We will use more precisely the
technique of prestressed concrete for the crossing of large free spans of
the auditorium and cinema projection room.

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