
The proposed Czech Embassy in Ethiopia

Nzeshi Maduagwu Nzeshi
Federal University of Technology Akure Ondo State Nigeria

Idea projektu

This project is comprises of designs of the Main Embassy Building, Ambassador's residence, Representative Staff Residence, Local Work Force Residence, Porters houses and the Site Landscape plans. Starting from the site plan, buildings have been designed I individually and zoned to ensure safety in all respect. In the main embassy building, all entrances are secured. The secrete of the design cn and should be evaluated by safety and security experts as cannot be written all in words. It is also a design where security of persons and property, meets economy and these detates what can SNES hi built. The design is basically done in ARCHI-CAD 22, and xported to AUTO-CAD 2010 For Publishing. I credit all the images in 2-D to ARCH- CAD, while some of the images in the 3-D are credited to Lumion. I want To also acknowledge my Lectures especially Dr. Alex Fakere who practically mentored the design along with others, as well as my Referee Dr. Gabriel Fadairo. Also recognised is my Course mate Oladele Ayokunle Hope who spent time helping to panel the drawings in AUTO-CAD.

Popis projektu

To a large extent, detailed plans and sections, elevation of buildings where shown individually and then collectively in the site 3-D images.

Technické informace

The require technical details as per construction know-how an materials specification can and should be read from the drawings. As per glazing of windows and doors, Double or Triple Glassing is recommended, and be the best standard for security glass, yes withstand breakages resulting from unwanted intrusions and from fire. Minimal glassing of phenestrations are what is only required to keep in line with current global ecofriendky glazing regulations.

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