Urbanistický design a krajinářství


Aleksandra Sułecka
Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk

Idea projektu

The idea was to provide a neighbourhood that will not ruin the existing landscape but embrace it. Underground houses matches perfectly to the sloped topography. Earthwork along the railway will help to reduce the noise pollution. Green roofs and great diversity in the facades are our first attempt of thinking about the space. We draw these schematic diagram to understand the plot and propose the best studied solution for this design.

Popis projektu

Project of development of an urban residential area was located in Osowa district in Gdańsk, Poland. The estate is divided into 3 integrated, circular "villages" creating tighter communities. Courtyard directly connected to the nature and wooden architecture are the strongest advantages of this designed neighbourhood. Maps, analysis and cross sections shows the plot and its features that were our canvas for such design.

Technické informace

Every urban block of timber construction is situated in such position it opens up to the natural surrounding. This layout promises the easy and quick access of maximum 2 minutes walk to the closest forest or meadow. U- shape blocks are creating semi public space inside that will be used as greenhouses and collective gardens that encourage people to make relations, bonds and social groups. Moreover, buildings are located in a circular star- alike form with organised public space in between them.


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