
Revitalisation of the Löw Beer family textile factory. Weaving foundation for a sustainable future

Sinje Sommer
Technical University of Berlin (TUB), Faculty VI Planning – Building – Environment, Berlin, Germany

Idea projektu

architectural approach:

no demolition without a reason

no censorship of history

all time layers become tangible

the history of the place is not built over but rather supplemented with architectural comments

architectural „add-ons“ frame the controlled decay of site

negoation between nature and buildings remain visible

the appropriation/reconquest of natural space is respected


I remove building rubble and parts of the ruins that are in danger of collapsing and pollutants

II secure and preserve everything that is not a physical, chemical or biological hazard for humans, animals and plants

III locate the supporting structure, the entrance, the stairwells, as well as possible spots for sanitary and barrierfree accesses.

IV connect the building by using the same red terrazo floor, that was used historically.

V The time layers of the walls remain in their current state with the use of water wash. alternatively, the raw supporting structures remain visible and are not replastered

VI areas that ned to be insulated, will be insulated from the inside to preserve the quaracter of the outer wall. biological insulation and clay plaster will be used. most walls dont need insulation because external walls are up to 1m.

VII cracks and holes in the external masonry are visually highlighted by filling them with clay.

VIII Empty window openings are visually emphasized by windowss of the same type but different color.

IX Empty door openings are visually emphasized by large frameless windows that create views/insight but reduce confusing entrance situation.

Popis projektu

The architectural approach to the competition is to depart as little as necessary and preserve as much of the authenticity of contemporary history as possible. Then add synergetic concepts to the existing structures, framing it with architectural comments that connect and emphasize all different time layers that has passed this areal. This connection will be created by the use of the same red terrazotiles that was alerady used in the past indoor and outdoor.

Technické informace

X Technical building equipment such as electricity and water pipes are laid visibly.

XI solar thermal system is located on the roof of the former labor camp.

XII The pv system is located on the shed roof of the textile factory facing south

XIII the green roof with rainwater collecting is located on the logistic hall.


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