
How Zoning and Material Selection can Influence Emotional Design for Elderly Assistance Activity Center (Redesign)

Faza Raufa Sani
Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Idea projektu

The inspiration for designing this work is the importance for elderly people in the community to increase their sense of empowerment, both with their peers as discussion partners who have more or less the same stories and thoughts, and with those under their age to share about life, so that elderly people feel that they can still be useful. .

Parents need to socialize with peers, express complaints about their illness, about their family, for their mental health, not bottle up their feelings so they don't become stressed and become physically ill. Parents need to be heard, especially parents with post-power syndrome, who previously worked hard/retired, whose current situation makes them helpless, weak both physically and mentally.

Even though their thinking continues to develop & they should become wiser. On the other hand, the passion/enthusiasm for life is still the same, even higher, there are still many who want to develop, learn from their life experiences, want to share with other people. So that they feel their existence & empowerment.

This design accommodates community-based activities, especially for the elderly who can join in the community through workshop classes, gatherings, playing chess, fishing, permaculture, reading and discussions, as well as sharing sessions with younger people.

The basis for considering why this theme & title was taken as the research object is because elderly people need social activities such as interacting with peers. There are still many elderly people who can carry out activities independently who need activity facilities. This is a consideration regarding the community space needed to accommodate these needs. The elderly's activities, which revolve around eating and sleeping, become very monotonous. This inspired the author to explore the significance of the study, namely emotional design, how zoning and material selection influence it. So it is hoped that this idea can improve the quality of life of the elderly architecturally.

Popis projektu

The main issue or problem in research that requires an answer is the relationship between emotional design and the quality of life of the elderly, does zoning affect emotional design based on the experience of space? How can form & massing support the experience of space based on zoning type? How can color & texture in material selection provide stimulus to the elderly's senses so that it can influence emotional design?

The site was chosen because it is in a strategic area of ​​Surakarta City with existing land use which is dominated by residential areas, thus adding a homely impression.

The following are the results of the author's interviews and direct observations at the Aisyiyah Surakarta Senior Age GPKP.

a) Interview Results
Based on the results of interviews with residents, several notes were obtained as follows.

-chat with elderly people who can still carry out independent activities about their daily lives
-chat with the administrator/nurse

b) Results of the author's direct observations
Based on the author's observations, the existing floor plan and bubble diagram are as follows.

-space measurements
-plan sketch
-observation of the room atmosphere
(in terms of color & material texture)
-space experience

Objects to be observed:
-Atmospheric conditions
-Space program
-Selection of color & material texture
-Zoning & circulation
-Supporting facilities
-The needs of the elderly for optimal activities

After selecting topics regarding the elderly and their relation to emotional design and quality of life, site searches and literature studies, then continued with site surveys and analysis. Highlighted points regarding zoning and material selection. Massive materials dominate the building and there is no green open space in the building so that there is a lack of sunlight entering the communal spaces, there is a hallway where the elderly can relax and chat but it faces an inadequate service area, and the choice of monotonous materials provides design suggestions regarding the need for A suitable communal space, such as an inner court, is the heart of the elderly's activities and a wider choice of materials can stimulate the elderly's senses.

It is necessary to use colors and textured materials that emphasize earth tone elements with a touch of terracotta to create a positive emotional experience for the elderly. This railing is made of iron which, when touched, gives a cold feeling. This requires consideration in changing the material to one that is not cold and slippery, such as wood which also provides texture when held.

The need for communal spaces, corridors for community, green open spaces, and effectiveness in activities and socializing. An inner court can be designed in the middle of the building close to the rooms. Given that the second floor is no longer used for daily activities, skylights or voids can be designed to provide natural light towards the inner court below.

Community activities such as lounges, discussions, workshops and studies remain the main focus for increasing the empowerment of the elderly. An environmentally friendly approach includes the use of passive energy sources, natural lighting and ventilation.

Technické informace

Parameters: Emotional Design & Quality of Life for Seniors
Indicators: Zoning & Space Needs for the Elderly, Material Selection for the Elderly: Color & Texture (Stimulus)

The required data plans are:

-Existing atmosphere conditions
-Existing space program
-Selection of color & texture of existing materials
- Existing zoning & circulation
-Existing supporting facilities
-The needs of the elderly for optimal activities
-Information/scientific data from researchers/experts that can support solutions and design proposals

The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach (in depth based on the context of the case study and exploratory).

1. Field Observation/Survey:
Observing how the elderly move, the rooms where the elderly are active, the relationship between spaces, circulation, supporting facilities, and the relationship between activities and spatial experiences.

2. Interviews with elderly people who are active at GPKP Aged Aisyiyah Surakarta & their administrators/carers.

3. Literature study regarding supporting theories and previous research.

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