
Garden Home Alley, Liverpool

Nisali Siriwardene
Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Media, Arts and Social Science Liverpool
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Idea projektu

Garden Home Alley is a cooperative living residential development designed to transform a historical industrial site into a vibrant, sustainable community. Located between the busy urban side of Lodge Lane and the tranquil green area adjacent to a historic church, this project seeks to address the critical housing shortage and redefine urban living.
Inspired by the concept of "Housing as a Verb," Home Garden Alley views housing as an active process that meets the social, economic, and psychological needs of its inhabitants. By integrating historical elements with contemporary sustainable design, the project aims to foster a sense of community, environmental stewardship, and high-quality living.
Goals and Objectives:
1. Address Housing Crisis: Provide affordable, high-quality housing that alleviates overcrowding and precarious living conditions, particularly for low-income groups.
2. Cooperative Living Model: Implement a cooperative living model that allows residents to collectively own and manage their homes, fostering community and shared responsibility.
3. Sustainable Design: Utilize Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) structures and green facades to create energy-efficient, environmentally responsible homes. Incorporate ample green spaces, including rooftop gardens and green yards with allotments, to promote biodiversity and environmental stewardship.
4. Multi-functional Spaces: Design homes and communal areas to serve multiple purposes, dissolving traditional boundaries between living, working, and leisure spaces, enhancing the functionality and livability of the residences.
5. Community Integration and Social Initiatives: Create public and semi-public squares, communal cooking and dining spaces, and areas for social and cultural initiatives such as markets, exhibitions, and workshops, fostering social cohesion and economic revitalisation.
6. Historical Preservation and Harmony: Respect the site's historical context by integrating restored industrial elements and ensuring new structures complement the surrounding architectural heritage, particularly the adjacent church.
Home Garden Alley aims to redefine urban residential living by addressing the housing crisis through a cooperative living model. The project emphasises sustainable design, community integration, and multi-functional spaces that enhance residents' quality of life. By transforming a historical industrial site into a vibrant, green residential area, Home Garden Alley offers a blueprint for resilient and inclusive urban development, fostering social cohesion and environmental stewardship.

Popis projektu

Situated amidst an industrial past, Home Garden Alley is a beacon of renewal, bridging the divide between urban grey and verdant tranquillity. Beginning with a restored historical archway, it transitions seamlessly from the bustling cityscape to serene greenery, inviting residents into a journey of connection and belonging. Layers Unfold: a vibrant public square, a tranquil semi-public square, and the heart of the project, Residential Alley, where architecture and nature intertwine harmoniously.
Garden HOME Alley—A haven where architecture and nature intertwine in harmony. Horizontal lines guide the way, leading residents forward with purpose and grace, while rooftop gardens above whisper tales of growth and renewal. Adjacent green yards with allotments breathe life into the space, fostering a connection to the land and a sense of stewardship for the environment.
Culminating in a Four Seasons Garden alongside a historic church, Home Garden Alley celebrates the cyclical nature of life and the enduring beauty of community. Through thoughtful design, it reimagines our relationship with the built environment, weaving history, nature, and community into a tapestry of hope and possibility.
Home Garden Alley is designed as a comprehensive and innovative solution to urban housing challenges. The project consists of the following parts:
1. Public Square:
o Purpose: Serve as a vibrant community hub and gateway to the residential alley.
o Features: Open space for public gatherings, markets, and social events. Incorporates historical elements like a restored archway to preserve the site’s heritage.
2. Semi-Public Square:
o Purpose: Transition space between the bustling public square and the more private residential areas.
o Features: Semi-enclosed areas for smaller community activities, workshops, and casual interactions.
3. Residential Alley (Home Garden Alley):
o Purpose: Main residential area offering cooperative living spaces.
o Features: Multi-functional homes with flexible layouts, integrating horizontal design elements like wooden/aluminum window frames and handrails. Designed to foster a sense of community and seamless indoor-outdoor living.
4. Green Yard with Allotments:
o Purpose: Provide residents with space to grow their own food and engage in gardening.
o Features: Community garden plots, shared green spaces, and tools/resources for urban agriculture. Encourages sustainable living and community engagement.
5. Four Seasons Garden:
o Purpose: Create a serene, year-round green space for relaxation and recreation.
o Features: Diverse plantings that offer visual interest and utility throughout the year. Adjacent to the historic church, providing a peaceful retreat for residents and visitors.
6. Rooftop Gardens:
o Purpose: Maximize green space and promote sustainability.
o Features: Gardens on building rooftops for private and communal use. Enhance biodiversity, reduce heat island effect, and provide additional recreational areas.
7. Communal Facilities:
o Purpose: Support cooperative living and community activities.
o Features: Shared kitchens, dining areas, laundry facilities, and spaces for social and cultural events. Designed to encourage interaction and mutual support among residents.
8. Sustainable Infrastructure:
o Purpose: Ensure the project is environmentally responsible and resilient.
o Features: CLT structures for reduced carbon footprint, energy-efficient systems, natural ventilation, daylighting, and stormwater management solutions.
Home Garden Alley is a holistic urban housing project that addresses the critical need for affordable, high-quality housing while fostering a strong sense of community and environmental stewardship. By integrating public, semi-public, and private spaces with sustainable design principles, the project creates a dynamic and supportive living environment that enhances the quality of life for its residents.

Technické informace

Home Garden Alley embodies a modern approach to sustainable architecture, with a primary structure constructed from Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT). This innovative material not only provides structural integrity but also aligns with the project's commitment to environmental responsibility.
The facade design harmonizes with the surrounding context, combining stone cladding with elements of greenery to create a dynamic and visually striking aesthetic. The stone cladding evokes a sense of timeless elegance, while the incorporation of green facades adds depth and texture, blurring the boundaries between built and natural environments.
Through the careful integration of CLT structure and stone cladding with green facades, Home Garden Alley not only achieves architectural excellence but also embodies a sustainable and holistic vision for urban living.

Home Garden Alley prioritizes sustainability and environmental responsibility in its design and planning. Through comprehensive environmental studies, the project aims to minimize its ecological footprint and enhance the well-being of residents and the surrounding community.

Energy Efficiency: The buildings are designed to optimize energy performance, incorporating features such as high-performance insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and passive solar design strategies. This reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier environment.
Green Spaces and Biodiversity: The integration of green roofs, rooftop gardens, and green facades throughout the development promotes biodiversity and enhances the urban ecosystem. These green spaces provide habitats for native flora and fauna, mitigate urban heat island effects, and improve air quality.
Stormwater Management: Sustainable stormwater management practices, such as permeable paving, rain gardens, and bioswales, are implemented to reduce runoff and prevent pollution of local waterways. This helps to mitigate flooding, improve water quality, and protect the natural environment.
Material Selection and Life Cycle Analysis: Environmentally-friendly materials with low embodied carbon are prioritized in construction, minimizing resource consumption and waste generation. Life cycle assessments are conducted to evaluate the environmental impact of materials and inform sustainable procurement decisions.
Through these environmental initiatives, Home Garden Alley aims to create a resilient and ecologically sound built environment that enhances the quality of life for residents and fosters a deeper connection to nature.


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