
Project of a settlement for 2500

Alisa Rozenkova
RUDN University

Idea projektu

"Умный экологический город будущего" - инновационное коммунальное пространство, основанное на устойчивом использовании ресурсов и передовых технологиях. Город будет автономным в плане энергии, управлением отходами, водоснабжением и обладать "умными" зданиями. Основной акцент будет сделан на развитие общественного транспорта, велосипедных дорожек и пешеходных зон.

Popis projektu

This project includes multi-level spaces that contribute to the creation of a dynamic and diverse environment. Green areas, parks and squares are located along the entire settlement, providing residents with access to nature and creating a favourable ecological environment.
Administrative space includes offices, shopping centres and other infrastructural facilities, providing a convenient location for work and business events.
Educational facilities such as schools, kindergartens and university complexes play an important role in the project, providing access to high quality education for all age groups.
In addition, workspaces and innovation centres help stimulate entrepreneurship and skills development.
Overall, this village project is a harmonious mix of residential, public and commercial spaces, contributing to the versatile development and well-being of its residents.

Technické informace

Throughout the site there is a transport and pedestrian road network.On the 3rd level there is a railway connecting the village with the nearest settlements.The walking area is located on the 2nd level and is lit by lift shafts for easy movement of people through the levels. The lighting of the walking areas provides comfort and safety for visitors at any time of the day.


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