Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Urban Street Redevelopment Project, New Delhi India

Anhalt university of applied sciences, Dessau

Idea projektu

The idea was to provide users a space which can brings them more closer to the nature and bit away from the hustle and bustle of the heavy traffic in the central area of the capital city. A space which brings all age group together where everyone can enjoy greenery or perform various recreational activities.

Popis projektu

In order to provide users such space where they can get a buffer from pollution and high traffic areas, a podium is proposed on the project site , a podium which covers some part of the site and delivers a separate new green space to the users on upper floor where users can perform many activities like running, cycling, meditation and many more things.
As the project site was an old market, therefore in order to preserve the historical identity of the site number of market modules are proposed on site and outer walls of these modules are could be use by the public arts as so that proposed site can reflect the old identity of the site.

Technické informace

The podium consists of many punctures in it which is because of the existing trees on the site , the podium shape is designed organically around these trees so that none of the trees will be cut and also many punctures are made and covered with a mesh so that adequate amount of sunlight can be received by the users at the bottom level.

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