Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Lake Chamo waterfront development

Abel Abrham
ARBA MINCH UNIVERSITY Faculty of Architecture And Urban Planing

Idea projektu

-General objective
The general objective of this study were to assess the overall ecotourism resource potential of lake Chamo waterfront fish market area and critically identify the prevailing challenges of the community in the area, and its future prospects a head.

- Specific objectives
1- To examine the lake Chamo waterfront public space (fish market) and determine the existing features.
2- To analyze what activities are carried out in this lake Chamo waterfront fish market and which community members use it most frequently.
3- Identifying the development potentials of ecotourism in Lake Chamo waterfronts fish market.
4- Evaluating of ecotourism attraction in Arba Minch lake Chamo waterfront fish market and proposed with respecting the potentials of the area located.

Popis projektu

This study basically put effort on identifying the waterfront public spaces for maximizing the ecotourism resource potential of Arba Minch lake Chamo waterfront fish market area for a healthy development. Along with, it has assessed the community and tourists perception about the area, for a healthy operation and biodiversity conservation.

Thematic scope
The issue around waterfront public spaces is very wide. There are economic, social,
environmental, health, and many other issues that are related to the idea of waterfront public
spaces. This study mainly focuses on enhancing and designing Lake Chamo water front public space (fish market) following the above points.

Spatial scope
This research is mainly concerned with the Arba Minch city, Lake Chamo waterfront fish market public spaces to enhance and design those spaces in accordance with urban designing principles and elements. The study area is “Lake Chamo waterfront fish market”. This open space making functional & enhanced in many aspects for the user by keeping natural landscape features.

Technické informace

Recommendation regarding the specific case area
• There should be proper organization and cleanness for giving enough service and facilities that given in the study area.
• There should be addition of recreation programs for groups. People mostly come in groups to the fish market and there should be something they can do together.
• There should be provided a quality and ample of site amenities, toilet, seats, shades, drinking fountain, soft landscaping, parking space, and also sport facilities which in result increase the image ability and comfort of the spaces and also active space in all day time.
• There should be well designed parking for vehicle and make the circulation comfortable for pedestrian and upgrade the road material type and provide well designed path way by landscape and also provide more comfortable ceremony place just like weeding and so.
• The flooding issues because of the overflow of the lake is one of the problem in the case area this needs a planned upper catchment area forestation by the government body’s and Protect vegetation cover properly in the case area is also the other recommendation because vegetation cover is a breath for a good waterfront landscape.
• Design of learning, recreational and aesthetic landscape experiences like watching towers for visitors.
• Providing an ecological waste management system(biogas) for the case area for preserving the water frontage and to provide a healthy waterfront service in the case area.
• Material usage must be eco-friendly with the environment somehow give a response by appropriate building material.
Recommendation regarding urban scale
• The precedence of Sustainable waterfront development is sustainable waterfront development and management plan so unlike the past trend of planning the lakefront with the master plans; there should be a specific and detail waterfront development and management plan.
• Municipal Liquid waste from the city should be collected and treated rather than draining into the lake. For implementing these there should be sustainable liquid waste management practices such as recycling and treating the waste with constructed wetlands.
• Contextualizing land use policies, laws, proclamations and regulations for Lake Chamo waterfront and implement it by delegation of the responsible body.
• Controlling the expansion of illegal fishing business around the lake city and other places should be considered by the municipality.
• The water resource consumption of the urban development should be studied and balanced with the water budget of the lake. To do so there must be sustainable water resource management plan in the city.
• Manage urban green areas, public spaces and recreational areas with sustainable urban waterfront green area planning principles.
• Engage the community and other important stakeholders in protecting and revitalizing the waterfront.

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