
Shadow Theater

Alejandro Cárdenas, Alejandro Ricote, Diego Sierra, Miriam Engelmayer
Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), dep. of architecture

Idea projektu

The city, the square, the street; places of ephemeral figures, of passersby projected through walls and sidewalks, where their shadows wander, dancing in deep, diffused, almost unrecognizable silhouettes.

It is here where the duality between the tangible of the constructed and the intangible of time and chiaroscuro merge to tell us the stories lived day by day, of everyday life and the passage of time; that which is diffuse, like a shadow moving through a veil, on a canvas imbued with moments, silhouettes, and shadows. Here is where the true shadow theater happens, one without a voice that celebrates the history of what once was and what is yet to be told, of those everyday moments that go unnoticed.

Time ceases to be an abstraction and materializes in the forms that unfold before our eyes. The spectator, immersed in the contemplation of these ephemeral projections, feels how time weaves into tangible reality. The shadows, like mirages, reveal the essence of daily life, unraveling the invisible threads that connect the lives of the city and its inhabitants.

In the dreamlike universe of the shadow theater, time becomes a main actor, tangible and malleable at the will of the one who projects it, with the figures in the shadows serving as silent witnesses to the unfolding of existence, capturing moments that would otherwise vanish into the mist of oblivion.

Popis projektu

The project aims to revalue the plaza and celebrate the moments experienced in the public space. The pavilion is conceived as a versatile space capable of hosting concerts, exhibitions, and various urban events. The idea is that both from the outside and inside the plaza, one can appreciate the city's passage through diffuse shadows and lights. The pavilion features a platform that extends both inside and outside the plaza, allowing for two events to occur simultaneously. Regarding the formal arrangement, the plaza was modulated to include fabric-covered screens, accompanied by benches where people can rest and enjoy the space.

Technické informace

Regarding the technical solution, a structure of wood and recycled compressed wood panels is proposed, while the membranes covering the pavilion will be made of stretched white fabric. For the structural solution, since the floor of the plaza cannot be touched, a system was designed that integrates the columns into a perimeter bench scheme, allowing the loads to be transferred to the ground in a superficial rather than a point load manner. Thus, the assembly of columns and benches is achieved through a modulation of the pavilion, functioning as rigid frames.

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