Interiérový design

Adidas Retail Store with Administrative Mezzanine Floor

Amr Allam
Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University in Alexandria

Idea projektu

واحدة من أكبر التحديات التي يفرضها التصميم الداخلي عند تصميم حيزات خاصة بعلامات تجارية عالمية، هو نطاق التعديل التي تتركه العلامة التجارية للمُصمم، فمن ناحية يوجد تصميم نمطي صناعي للحيزات التجارية والإدارية لهذه العلامات، وهو النمط الصناعي، ولكن أردت أن أضيف لمسة مختلفة تجعل مشروعي يتفرض قليلًا عن الباقي، عن طريق عمل تصميمات حيزية شبه مغلقة، وكل واحد منها يعطي طابع خاص، بالرغم من تواجدها إلى جانب بعضها البعض.

One of the usual challenges imposed on the interior designer when designing an interior space of a world-renowned retail brand, like in this case Adidas, is mastering the small room for what can be added in terms of interior design to make my project stand out a bit, as the theme usually associated with Adidas and others are not of course fixed in stone, but their spectrum is pretty limiting, so, my main objective is to achieve interesting interior space bubbles and enclosed areas, to generate a different interior vibe from one place to another, especially for the administrative area, its climax is within the first two shots, one can argue that the two do not exist within range from each other, but they are right next to each other. That is one of my approaches to such projects. In other words, I tried making the final areas look different overall, but still under the scheme of the usual vibe of the industrial interior pioneered by such brands.

This project is the main one for the Interior Design subject, for the second semester of the 4th year of the Interior Architecture Program (5-year program), students have to choose an International widely-known brand of any category and model the interior after two main factors, the first being: designing the interiors of the space with the ordinary set of materials that form the style of the brand, in my case, Adidas along with many other brands usually use Industrial Interior Theme, the usual elements like exposed polished concrete, bricks, metallic exposed elements of the infrastructure, black and matte painting of various elements, like painting the pipes with non-reflective paint, which gives them an elegant look which can provide me with various options to harmonise the result with the general interior vibe and feel. The second being: adding the student’s touch to the project without erasing its usual perceived identity, which gives from one hand a bit of freedom to inject a new architectural element, or a finishing material, or a new composition of the interior, but also limiting the scale of that injection to a certain border from another hand. The project is overall dissected into smaller parts, the first is to design the floor plans with correct standardised measurements for maximum functionality of the interior and utilising as much space as possible without crowding the interior.

Popis projektu

Starting with the administrative mezzanine, the first area coming up from the staircase, is the main reception area designated to help any inquiring clients about specific services, with desks where the Representative of the HR can have a conversation with the client, then to the right there is administrative glass cubicle hosting two employees, then the conference room, the interesting catch about the design of the mezzanine is usage of bridges to connect the various areas together instead of the usual one continuous floor mezzanine usually come in. The conference room has to doors, a door directed at receiving the CEO and high-ranking workers, and the other receiving other employees, this decreases foot traffic distribution and gives more dynamic-ism to the interior, and makes the interior to appear larger that it is, by altering different paths for the employees to take.

Then, we can find other spaces for employees to work in, along with the CEO main office. On the other side, many cubicles were designed with glass structure to allow more visual depth.

The design of the interior commercial space was less demanding for effort to get it together, we start from the entrance where we can see the decompression zone, from which clients can head right of left or just continue their path forward to explore. The other areas are just basic display areas.

Technické informace

There's nothing unusual concerning the execution of the various materials used for cladding the walls, like container-like cladding, along with standard wall-paint, etc.

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