
Things Fall Apart

Ayrton Laucks
Syracuse University, Syracuse University School of Architecture
Spojené státy americké

Idea projektu

Nothing is permanent. Things fall apart. Through an analysis of braided rivers and the Bundanon Art museum, this project embodies these statements. The project centers around a series of education outposts in which the powerful forces of the braided river, along with its tendencies to shift and transform over time, are realized.

Popis projektu

In order to achieve the aim of showing just how things fall apart. The project incorporates education outposts whose forms are uniform rectangular prisms. Inside each outpost is a network of identical containers forming interior space and skewed with respect to the other outposts. The lines that these outposts form with each other serve as reference to catalog the changing environment around them.
The uniform concrete massing is attacked by the water. Slowly, particle by particle, the concrete shell is eaten away from without and within, revealing the interior structure and occupiable space over hundreds of years. Through this, the project embodies the spirit of the braided river and serves as a means to educate and project the power of design that flux environments bear.

Technické informace

The main envelope of each structure is constructed of unreinforced, porous concrete (so it weathers faster). Inside the envelope, the main latticework of the structure along with the pylons which form the foundation are made of rust-resistant metal. The interior occupiable spaces are constructed out of metal sheathing and mesh.

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