Interiérový design

Plant Domestication Plan

Zelan Wang, Shiqi Cui, Sidi Shi
Luxun Academy of Fine Arts

Idea projektu

From plants that grow in Jianyi to crops that are domesticated and managed, humans and plants have changed each other's destinies. The festival of human life follows the strict cultivation, sowing, and harvesting of domesticated crops in accordance with the seasons. From then on, we bid farewell to the wandering humans who hunted and settled due to plants. Plants migrate in this land with the footsteps of humans, and the rich paradise of plants nurtures and accompanies the birth of a civilization. This exhibition aims to reflect how humans domesticated plants from the perspective of crop cultivation and evolution. And in the process of domestication, human society also sees changes in the relationship between plants and humans in a balanced manner due to the changes that have occurred in plants.

Popis projektu

This project includes graphic design and interior space design of the exhibition hall. Inspired by the growth and development of plants, the IP image was designed, and a suitable venue was selected to carry out the exhibition. The display items and styles in the exhibition were narrated around the theme.

Technické informace

The structure of the building is composed of bricks, tiles, and wooden beams and columns. The main materials used in the exhibition include stainless steel, glass, composite boards, wood, etc.

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