

Phakon Isariyachaikul
Chiang Mai University (CMU), Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai

Idea projektu

“Spiritual Reconnection Center” is the studied of spirituality , social movements ,and social problems about inequality and diversity based on varies of believes/ faith. This studied are based on research and understanding of believes (multi-faith) ,paradigm ,and perception of human and relationship between the architectural space such as vision ,hearing ,smell ,taste , touch, and also mind/heart. Along with interpreting of the value ,meaning ,and problematic of the place. And also the tools for accessing to the highest or the spatial relationship between human and architectural space are as follows: (1) the human's perception and sense of place in architectural space, (2) the determination of the sequences to access and perception, and (3) the insertion of natural phenomena and perceived the phenomenology within the space.

Popis projektu

This project is like “Spiritual Park” that merge, combine, reconnection with spirituality of ourself , others, or moreover to the be oneself as a holistic perception to the higher good , which are the goal of basic question of life, as the human being that many worldview/ paradigm trying to seek the answer. The main space is a central space and art gallery where humans can express themselves and understanding others through art and art space, and in addition, it also intends to create a space that creates equality in society in terms of various and diversity beliefs. And also provides space to support activities and creative economy for everyone to the city.

Technické informace

The construction of the building is made by industrials material such as concrete, reinforce concrete, steel combined together with local wisdom such as brick to provided the image of the holistic and sustainability future that every beliefs and being are equal.


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