Interiérový design

Lembata Arts Center

Deddy Tansen
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Idea projektu

The Lembata Center of Art is a place of art that embraces the entire culture of lembata both traditions and festivals from the habits of the lembata community so that tourists can see the whole culture of the Lembata with the nuances of the sea that seem to be on the shore.

Popis projektu

Lembata has a variety of activities and cultures that can be used as symbols related to the people of lembata so that tourists can get to know and learn about the culture and traditions of the people. So “How to design an interior atmosphere that can follow the Covid-19 trend by considering the circulation of users in each facility in the building and implement the cultural design of the leopard community to attract the attention of tourists and the surrounding community and keep the local culture so that it can keep up with the development of modern design without reducing the value or value of the culture.”

Technické informace

A building project has a different background – different according to the site and the needs of the building. The design needs are not only based on the pattern of beauty but are able to understand from the criteria of each building both locally and environmentally so that the design can answer the problem and meet the needs of the building.

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