Interiérový design

Caterpillar Store

Sarhand Rasul
Koya University

Idea projektu

Cat is the flagship brand in the Caterpillar portfolio and one of the most valuable brands in the world. Cat machines and engines are widely recognized as premium products and known for superior quality and reliability. Globally, the Cat logo has become an icon, often worn as a badge symbolizing hard work, grit and a get-it-done attitude.

Popis projektu

Since the early design phase, I wanted to make a space that would have a constructional spirit, and the brand’s main aim is to construct a better world. Different components have been used to share the message of CAT.
A small part of CAT’s history has been shown here so that customers can meet the brand’s history.
Squared patterned walls have exhibits to maintain the constructional spirit of the goods.
We have two layers of the fore ceiling, which means that one of them is lower than the other one for the sake of illuminating the central space. And for their design, a complex pattern has been used mechanical elements to make an industrial and constructional impression to the customers, also part of CAT’s message.
Various elements will get customers' attention, in the sketch above, the right side wall has huge square designs that will bring daylight as well as sunshine new air to the space

Technické informace

The project has been highly inspred by the Brutalism architecture, concrete takes lots of responsibility in the material.


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