Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Reminiscense and permanence

Juan Simon Perez, Josefina Cotela, Justina Borras, Lourdes Abdala
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Tucumán

Idea projektu

From fragmentation to a highly interconnected space
The old closed and inaccessible port is completely opened to
become public and habitable, creating a system of interconnection
between the port itself and the proposal, with the existing city, as a
way to get closer to the sea and to bring the city into the port.
Urban elements are used to create new hierarchies,
points of tension, new accesses and new connections within the
complex. Thus creating a system of relationships that is composed
of parts, which work simultaneously, and together,
form a whole.

Popis projektu

It focuses above all on a direct connection between the
port and the city, by means of an element that acts as a
bellows: a large linear park.
This park is equipped with infrastructure to fulfill and
provide the city with the public, cultural and recreational
spaces it needs, in addition to generating a more pleasant
relationship with its context.
With the existence of this large green and rethought
space, the city advances on the old port and a new
urbanization of greater value is given, generating
profitability to the project and to the lifestyle of the
inhabitants of Beirut.

Technické informace

REMINISCENSE AND PERMANENCE. 2022 - Project submission by group N°3 from Taller Combes, FAU-UNT, Tucumán, Argentina. Participants: Abdala, María de Lourdes / Borrás, Justina / Cotella, Josefina / Perez, Juan Simón


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