
community incubator

Vesna Jankovic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia

Idea projektu

At the base of this project are the motives and values ​​of ideological, ideological, aesthetic, ethical, social, cultural and spatial (architectural) attitudes, which I will call a mechanism that is directly related to the process of construction of this "world". By problematizing and reconfiguring the knowledge gathered through historical analysis, the actual analysis of the location in question, the analysis of the topography as well as the program, a diagram of the meta-field of information was formed. By diagramming them, through variations, the goal is to form a new microhistorical system of the contemporary field of research and subject of interest. By the method of creating visual material for the purposes of research and confirmation of hypotheses that are correlated with the view that visual representations have a logical structure (diagram), which was used to conduct evidence and critical observations through the way the material was presented and the integration of previous "visual views", or "theory in the picture".
One of the postulates of the project is the reactivation of information, which includes the reconstruction of already existing traces, including their merging, or rather amalgamation, with new information provided through the reactivation of the area in question and recall. By developing a specific architectural order, mechanism and typology, the articulation of thoughts and collected data was established. The result of this procedure is a structure that provides an environment for systematic thinking and logical networking of elements that facilitates the process of memorization, memory reactivation and connective processes by visualizing and bringing certain data into spatial proximity, enabling their characteristic relations and their mutual action in a new mechanism.

Popis projektu

The basic legality of the project is the erasure of borders in the cultural, sociological and physical context. The city of Beirut needs a connection with the coast, which is why the project insists on the "going out of the city to the coast". The project consists of four main units, a passenger terminal, a logistics zone in the west, a cargo terminal in the northeast and a residential zone around the perimeter.
The explosion of the silos in Beirut leaves a big mark on the history of Beirut. The blast radius becomes the central memorial point of the city that needs to be honored and not forgotten. By placing an expanded passenger terminal at the site of the explosion, it allows visitors to have their access point as a radial-shaped footbridge that boldly accentuates the crater, or rather the damage to the terminal caused by the explosion. The radial footbridge contains a tourist information center, a community incubator intended for all citizens, a gallery, a co-working space that is connected to a co-living area. The silos themselves are provided with a construction that makes them safe and from which another footbridge continues, which aims to connect passengers directly with the city and represents the overcoming of a large physical boundary in space, namely Charles Helou Street. The flows of all important communications in the city have been expanded and exit to the sea coast, making it accessible, which is explained through the traffic scheme. In this way, the city is brought to the coast along with the accompanying residential buildings. The cargo part of the port was moved to an artificial island obtained by digging a channel that doubles the length of the coast, which is of crucial importance in the functioning and capacity of the port. In this way, the capacity of the port has been significantly increased. The direction of operation of the port was proposed so that the ships move in one direction so that there would be no crowding and so that the port would function smoothly with the help of logistics. One of the important problems is the congestion in the city and on the highway due to land transport of goods, which was solved by moving the main flow of traffic that connects from the cargo terminal to the Emile Lahoud road and leads out of the city without disturbing the daily city traffic. To the west of the cargo terminal and the memorial footbridge, a logistics zone is connected, which includes passenger terminal control, eco control, a center for the promotion of ecology, a data center, a national land database, as well as a port for private yachts and small ships. The analysis that preceded the project established that the construction of a national database on land as well as a data center in a given strategic position is extremely important for increasing the quality of life of people in economic, sociological and cultural aspects. In response to oil problems as well as heavy pollution in the city of Beirut and as a task of the center to promote ecology, bicycle and pedestrian paths were designed that form a network on the entire surface of the western part of the port, making the port a car free zone and encouraging people to live a healthy life without pollution.

Technické informace

The silos are provided with steel supports and tensioners, allowing them structural stability and safety. All facilities were built under the supervision of eco control and the center for promoting ecology.


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