Interiérový design

Fix-pipeline Office Interior Design

Rezvan ShahrabiFarahani
AAU - Aalborg University, Denmark

Idea projektu

The oil and gas industry has had much damage to nature and marine life and caused nature a big danger. with the development of science and technology, many of these pipelines will be abandoned and lose their original usage. Some companies reuse these pipelines on other oil piping projects, but what about the damaged or remaining old pipes? The main concept of this project is to find a new way to reuse these remained pipes of the pipeline industry as an architectural material to develop sustainability and define pathways in our office project. This concept is not only helpful for nature but also a good response to the needs of this administrative project and the essence of the pipeline maintenance brand.

Popis projektu

This office interior design project is a new, modern project that helps the development of sustainability by using wasted pipelines as an architectural material in interior design. Nowadays, the oil and gas industry is one of the most dangerous industries for nature, many oil lines are abandoned and these pipelines will either be recycled or released into nature. Although recycling is a very impressive way to use materials, it is not a wise way because it costs a lot. Fix-pipeline office interior design project is a new way to solve this issue. Fixpipeline is a pipeline maintenance brand, specializing in the production of a full range of advanced pipeline repair clamps and end-connectors for oil and gas industries. In addition to high-tech flow-assurance products in multiple sizes and pressure ratings, and also offers a wide variety of pipeline services and custom design solutions for turn-key repair projects, irregular installation sites, and abnormal damage profiles. This design is based on the sustainability and the essence of the brand.

Technické informace

The construction is made of concrete and the flooring is composed of glass, pipes, and black granite stone.


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