
High rise mixed use office

Netsanet Tadesse , Woyniab Bekelcha

Idea projektu

The site is located in Addis Ababa the capital city of Ethiopia, between 1960s styles of Ethiopian architecture and the new active commercial corridor of the city.
The project uses the concept of "space for everyone” inspired by site and end-users who have different living styles, working spaces, economical statuses, and activities.
The project aimed to design a sustainable and equitable architectural building in Ethiopia combining working space, commercial space, and active frontage sustainable public space priority like the early styles building.
The challenge was to combine both the early and new contemporary styles respecting both traces.

Popis projektu

The project desired to design a high-rise mixed-use office that adapts and interprets the social, historical, physical, and natural manner of the environment. From the design desire and site survey early style of 1960 on all sides which is dominantly known for the high value of public need in the sense of responsible architecture.
The next concern was how to interpret the concept effectively? An efficient way to embrace the ancient atmosphere was by keeping the natural flow character and initial purpose of the early public colors throughout the building which are practically a ramp element that stands following the natural topography to access the 1st floor directly from the main road which simultaneously allows us to design efficiency and site adaption. As reach the 1st floor the ramp turns into a stair element as an innovative approach exposing that stair corridor in terms of both physical and visual accessibility will give us a chance to multiply the effectiveness of the initial interpreting concept effectively addressing the public need in a way through allowing to experience like styles.
This goes up to the tower it has two volumes interlocking each other and can sense as if one form is rounding, hugging, including...the other which is initially seated to express a sense of integration between the modern and ancient in a physical manner.
The thing that makes the design very specific to the site is that it's designed in a way:
- That interprets (reflects) the specific historical and modern characters of the surrounding environment.
- That responds to the natural topography
- Contextualize and respond to the two active side corridors

Technické informace

Its 164 m long consisting of 51 floors including 8 floors for the podium,39 for the tower, and 4 basement floors. It stands by a mega core and grid structural system with pile and isolated footing foundation mechanisms.
Due to topography differences, the building has two multi-level access main entrances. It has a high-performance double-skin façade and naturally ventilated atrium on the tower and open downs on the podium. For improved ventilation, firefighting systems and water systems the building is equipped with mechanical systems on the basement and rooftop floors.
To achieve a sustainable architecture the building is designed with energy conservation in mind using renewable energy (solar panels) in addition to this used as cost-effective, recyclable, and eco-friendly eps core panel material for slabs and walls. The existence of greenery in interiors helps to give a sense of calm with good thermal air condition.

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