
Architecture Center

Alexandra Ganea
UAUIM - Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning

Idea projektu

Architecture should not be only a problem for architects, but a daily concern of each citizen. After all, architecture is the one producing and transforming the places in which these citizen lives. While obviously a
part of the high culture, it also shapes daily life. Therefore the city dweller would like to have a place where he can be up-to-date with „what`s what” in the world of construction, in extenso with how his living space
evolves. Mainstream information channels certainly don’t cover these aspects, with the exception of some sensational reportages about some abuses or exotic constructions; as a daily and natural phenomenon and
as a subject of debate and civic involvement, architecture is not sufficiently present.
On the other hand, in Romania, besides the ultra-liberal, ultra-individualistic mentality and corruption, the destruction or mishandling of the heritage and the extremely poor quality of the majority of the built
environment is a result of a general lack of architectural culture (even among the educated public). However, the problem also lies with us architects: we have strong have difficulties in addressing society, listening to others, making ourselves, our production and our ideas about the city clear to society.
The Architecture Center is a program which was developed in the last 40 years with the precise aim to handle these types of issues. Even if it sometimes bears the name of „museum”, the sense of center is still prevalent: it’s a place which preserves and shows hystorical objects and information and at the same time focuses on contemporary creations and phenomena. It is a place for architects, but most of all for architecture and for a cultural and civic public; it has to function as a backdrop for sophisticated debates, but also for the contact of
the visitors with this part of the culture. Here they should be able to see exhibitions about the history of the cities and villages in order for them to understand how things evolved (this could be a subject of gossip) and
to see examples from other cultures (for a relaxed and informed comparison).
What we are talking about is thus a public space in the real sense, informal, open to everyone, but with a cultural touch. Here there will be permanent and temporary exhibitions, conferences, expos, workshops and shows, but also books and movies, an archive etc.

Popis projektu

The center has a strong cultural and social character. It functions at the scale of the neighborhood scale and the historic center, but as a landmark for the whole city, as well. It deals with heritage and history,
but also with present and future issues.
Its features are:
-A multifunctional space, properly equipped, functional and dignified: a big hall. It is designed as a flexible and adaptable system, an interface for the city and its citizens. The various usage
scenarios will be dealt with by each student. Its surface is around 200-300 sqm.
- The permanent exhibition, hosting on around 200-300 sqm a presentation on Bucharest (or the modern architecture in Romania).
- The access hall (foyer).
- The tourist information center.
- Spaces for temporary exhibitions. Properly equipped and illuminated, these spaces may host various exhibits: graphic works and paintings, objects (models and such), installations of digital art, virtual and augmented reality etc.
- Specialized workshops for museographers, for assembling and disassembling exhibitions, technical rooms etc.
- Administrative area, at about 50 sqm.
- “ A bookshop with everything”. This 100-150sqm bookshop will focus on architecture, design, urbanism.
- Café or snack-bar. A public lively place with character.

Technické informace

structure in reinforced concrete frames and structural walls

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