

Anna Aleksandrova, Adelina Abdullina, Adelina Gazizianova, Adelina Gubaidullina, Tutors: Ilnar Akhtiamov, Rezeda Akhtiamova

Idea projektu

How often do we face uncertainty? The university as an educational platform does not give answers, it gives directions - it serves as a kind of indicator of many opportunities. This feature makes it a point of convergence of all creative flows, a place for uniting and exchanging information - a place for meetings and discoveries.
Therefore, for the new STU representative campus, a system of intersections was used, translated into a 3-dimensional dimension. The cross means the choice of the path, and also symbolizes the intersection - meeting with the new, merging with it. Creating a new spatial grid will create new ways of orientation based on functional division and visual connections. Meeting points will be formed in the crosshairs - multifunctional cores with a spatial structure resembling road signs with a distribution on many levels-branches on which new centers and studios are located. Between them, new types of courtyards and atriums with green roofs and sports fields on them appear, significantly increasing the amount of landscaping.

Popis projektu

The executive center consists of 7 floors with multi-level cutouts and openings. Despite the seemingly complete visual filling of the courtyard, the actual volume of the building is small. Inside, unique solutions for central spaces were designed and types of educational, recreational and other sites for side branches were developed. All roofs become exploited. Communications connecting different levels with each other become colorful accent elements. The new buildings rise above the university and become windows into the world of technology for the residents of the city. The transparency of the coverings and the use of media facades makes the architecture a message that broadcasts a set of information layers. For example, the permeability of the facades transforms the campus into a lighthouse that demonstrates the hard work of students. Modern energy technologies are used in the shell of the campus. So, the building itself becomes an exhibit of the achievements of science and technology. Media facades serve as feedback to students, forming a lively, constantly updated environment.
In addition to courtyards, each floor is surrounded by galleries and terraces.

Technické informace

The spatial and architectural design of the campus is aimed at increasing the recognition and prestige of the university. Special solutions developed for educational sites, including the distribution of the flow of people, create both quiet and very lively places and contribute to diverse learning.


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