
vertical city of illegal immigrants

ali lavasani
Islamic Azad university of Qazvin(QIAU)

Idea projektu

It is a well-known fact that the number of illegal immigrants is increasing rapidly around the world, illegal immigration affects the Nation and the lives of the natives in different ways and such negative effects are:
1)Criminal acts include drug dealing and theft of identity documents from citizens to enable them to work.
2)Exploiters can force women to do illegal jobs and the young children are traded in the market for adoption with mafias.
3)The competition between the illegal immigrants and the citizens of the country on the job opportunities that were available and that happens because the illegal immigrants accept less than the required minimum payment and do the job without asking other benefits such as insurance. All these results negative to the citizens because the employers prefer to hire someone with low payment and without insurance covering.
4)Illegal immigrants cause many damages to the people personal properties and to the public areas. Such damages are: the stealing of properties, break into people’s houses, vandalize public areas etc.
5)and many other important problems.

Popis projektu

According to the problems which has been mentioned, we tried to prepare a center of keeping unauthorized immigrants that make an opportunity for them to learn and get ready for being in community.
Moreover, the concept of this vertical tower is inspired by the horizontal shape of cities.
In addition, it provides all the needs of accommodation, services, recreation and welfare, education, treatment and…. to its users so that users do not need to leave the center.

It is also better to build these centers in the suburbs so that the residents can enter the community after completing the necessary training and at the discretion of the relevant organizations in that country.

Technické informace

Accommodation: Spaces for immigrants to relax there.
These spaces are collective and gender segregated for single people and Located privately for couples and families.
Workspaces: the creation of various workshops for sewing, carpentry, blacksmithing, agriculture, construction, cooking, etc. so that people can work in there based on their abilities and interests and acquire sufficient and necessary skills. In addition to meeting their needs and the center can meet part of the needs of the government and society.
Education: Which includes teaching the official language, education, culture, laws and regulations of each country.
Treatment: In this section, after conducting initial tests of all immigrants, if they have an infectious disease, they start treating them so that they do not pose a danger to other people when they enter the community.

Recreation and welfare: Creating a green space on the middle floors of the tower provides a convenient place for residents to spend their free time and enjoy the view.

Services: spaces for the supply and sale of food, clothing and essential necessities of life. Also, all service and cleaning work and even the sale and purchase of products are done by the residents of this tower.

The materials
The materials were used in this tower are a new generation of transparent
concrete and Refractory concrete which has enough strength and visual beauty.
The energy of this center is supplied through photovoltaic panels and using turbines in the upper part.
In order for the air circulation in this center to be well done, fans are provided in the upper part to pass the air through the green space and create a stable flow.
There are also Quadcopters located at the top of the center, which are connected to the Social Services Information Center to identify illegal immigrants in the city and transfer them to the center.

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