Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Voronoi - Future Urban Planning Concept

Maja Pacek, Katarzyna Jasińska, Kamila Boroch, Maria Opłatek
Wroclaw University of Technology, (Politechnika Wrocławska), Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław

Idea projektu

Voronoi is futuristic urban planning concept connecting two large cities, Warsaw and Łódź in Poland. The aim of the project is to create a comprehensive urban plan with the Central Communication Hub and a detailed fragment of Aeropolis. The project combines future-oriented means of transport such as airplanes, high-speed rail and PRT. The main idea is to combine transport on different levels - air, water and earth.

Popis projektu

The shapes are inspired by the shape of the voronoi, and they are reflected in both the urban grid and the shape of the buildings. A unique element of the space are the voronoi structures superimposed on buildings and roads, connecting different spaces, transport hubs, culture and recreation points. The designed spaces respond to the need to increase the intensity of buildings while intertwining with greenery. The urban plan is supported by urban analyses. Its conclusions formed the basis for shaping the pattern.

Technické informace

The project of the Central Communication Hub combines high-speed rail and air transport. The main transfer centre of the entire complex is located in the neighbourhood of the airport and allows transit by plane and train to various destinations in Europe.
Inside the detailed plan, there are hub centres that allow quick change the mean of transport from a car or tram to a PRT. The whole plot is well served by public transport and the distance between each stop is not bigger than 500m. Due to it, tram or PRT stop is always in walking distance. The river is both used for transport and a recreation. The designed spaces are easily accessible, creating a user-friendly 15 minutes city.

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