Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Renovation of Red Banner Factory in Saint-Petersburg. Cluster of fashion industries and art "Kinesthetics"

Anna Efimova
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint-Petersburg

Idea projektu

Project of renovation abandoned textile factory "Red Banner" in the center of Saint-Petersburg. Kinesthetics - is a combination of 2 words kinetic (movement, development) and esthetics (beauty, arts)
This factory was built by Eric Mendelsohn, the german expressionist architect, at the begging of the 20th century. Architectural expressionism of that epoch represented an idea of permanent development, the rapid pace of progress. This philosophy is adapted to the 21st-century reality via the usage of multifunctional zones, portable small architectural forms, and furniture, usage of alternative energy.

Popis projektu

Masterplan of the factory territory is made in modernistic minimalistic style - usage of ortho grid of alleys and curve forms of natural park zones. The project proposes using of rain garden system to save resources and to provide water to the fountain and energy for heating workshop buildings.

Technické informace

The industry nowadays is more about creating ideas, not products. Due to this, lots of offices, coworking, VR/AR zones are located on the territory.
Outdoor furniture inspired by shapes of workshop building and made industrial style materials.
More information about the project is available on the webpage https://www.instagram.com/urbannyefi/

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