

Firyal Nadhifah
Trisakti University

Idea projektu

O/O Vector is a mixed-use building with a mixture of two functions (Creative Hub + Transit Hotel). This building is located in the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area, where the site is right in front of the Lebak Bulus MRT Station.

Popis projektu

The initial idea of ​​this building is to create a building that can accommodate social, cultural and connectivity. From here, 3 points are formed in the concept, namely:
- Interlacing culture
To revive the culture of the region, and create a new culture within it.
- Inclusive
Buildings designed for all users with functions in it that can unite around.
- Transit
Respond to the TOD of the area, the building is designed to be transit
friendly, which can be a one stop point for its users.

This concept is a solution to the site problem, namely the absence of a place to gather or socialize, the loss of the surrounding culture, and the absence of a transit point to respond to the TOD area.

Technické informace

The building is divided into two masses. The first mass is made elongated by taking the axis from outside the site to the inside of the area. Then inside the mass are placed two balls which are divided into half with a function in it is Auditorium.

As for the second mass, it is made vertical with functions including retail and transit hotel. Both masses are covered by a second skin which uses a braced frame structure with the outermost layer is perforated metal.


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