
The HYBRID Development of Interchange Transport Terminals in Kosovo

Blerina Muriqi, Valëza Tahiri
University for Business and Technology - UBT

Idea projektu

The main design brief and subject was Interchange and Multimodal Transport Terminal with integrated interface, which was treated carefully during the design process of the main Bus Station project proposal for the city of Ferizaj. The aim was to create a hybrid complex, which would transform the context and become part of the urban landscape/structure, so that this environment would serve not only as a bus station, but also as a center of greenery, public and open spaces for everyday use of passengers, visitors and local residents.
In this way great attention was given to the design philosophy: "Hedonistic Sustainability through Biophilic Design". Biophilic design principles are organized into three categories: nature in the space, nature of the space and natural analogies. All the three categories are integrated in the project proposal. "Nature in the space" is present almost everywhere because greenery takes a huge part in the project. "Nature of the space" is used in the design concept itself, by the usage of atriums, patios and inner gardens. Whereas, the whole masterplan, also the structural and tectonic system of the building, are inspired by "Natural analogies"

Popis projektu

Fractals, blossom, biophilic and hedonistic design/sustainability were some of the main assets used to generate the concept of the masterplan and try to bring it to life. Rotation, dynamics, spirals, circulations were some of the operations used in the design process. The complex starts within a point, which increases its infinitum and becomes the spot, of which 3 main spirals expand from it, each one of them connecting with the other through ramps and walking promenades. The same way that the petals hold and protect the fruit, the same way the complex contains an inner garden with the most important access to every building and part of the station.

The building is concentrated and derives from a main centric point gradually increasing in the same way as blossoms, generating undulated forms and creating a visual flow of movement. Due to its form, the complex represents a welcoming, warm entrance, serving as a getaway from the city, with all the open-public green spaces that are wrapped up inside of it and in serve of the well-being of the citizens.
What is external becomes internal and vice-versa.

Technické informace

Representative atmospheric images
Main A0 Poster of the project
Hybrid Structures and Tectonics - A1 Sheet
The Revival Autogenic Ornament - A1 Sheet

Final Detailed Presentation of the project (pdf)


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