
The Transient Construction Labour Community

Sharun Christo
Anna University - Tamil Nadu

Idea projektu

Living away from home is never easy. It is a place where one finds comfort, nurtures relationships, and raises a family. It gives sanctuary from daily struggles. An extension of one’s identity, which fabricates a sense of belonging. Over a million migrant labours are housed in temporary tenants which do not have basic facilities to live on. There is a lack of housing for migrant workers their families and the housing available is substandard and overcrowded. The design proposes a solution to meet the needs of these individuals in their current situation, yet can change over time as necessary and enhance the living conditions of migrant labourers.

Popis projektu

The Primary design ideation is to transform labour camps into the labour community by using Modules. The design should foster a sense of community and participation. And make the user feel that they are rooted in a given place. They should be able to create a sense of community with their neighbours though they stay for a short time and change of families as per the construction demand. The whole approach is to enhance their own houses and be less labour intensive in the process that is simpler, easier and efficient to his needs and wants. Hence, the idea of flexible and folding structures to build a home in the least number of actions and the least amount of physical input.

Technické informace

The Primary design ideation is to transform labour camps into the labour community by using Modules which deals with the parameter such as Context, Environment and Function Oriented.
Firstly in context, it should be
- A portable structure which can be easily shifted by using trucks from one site to another construction site
Secondly, Environment which should be
- Resistant against harsh climate and also should withstand site accidents
Thirdly, Function oriented
- Which should be self-constructible, multifunctional and a stackable module.


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