
Hason Bhuban: A Complex Of Caltural Pathway

Avijit Deb Nath Mimu
Stamford University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka

Idea projektu

Folk Music songs and music of a community, uninfluenced by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard Music styles Bangladesh has
a rich folk music, which includes both religious and secular songs.

Folk music may be described as that type of ancient music, which springs
from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression,
uninfluenced by the rules of classical music and modern popular songs
Any mode or form created by the combination of tune, voice and dance
may be described as music Thus, the combination of folk song, folk
dance, and folk tune may be called folk music.

Starting in the mid 20 th century, a new form of popular folk music
evolved from traditional folk music This process and period is called the
( folk revival and reached a zenith in the 1960 s This form of music is sometimes called contemporary folk music or folk revival music to distinguish it from earlier folk forms Smaller similar revivals have occurred elsewhere in the world at other times, but the term folk music
has typically not been applied to the new music created during those
revivals This type of folk music also includes fusion genres such as folk
rock, folk metal, electric folk, and others While contemporary folk music
is a genre generally distinct from traditional folk music, in English it shares the same name, and it often shares the same performers and venues as traditional folk music.

Popis projektu

Dewan Hason Raja was a Bengali poet, mystic philosopher and song writer from Sylhet Bangladesh Hason Raja is considered to have been deeply a concerned philosopher and songs writer as if having a two threaded violin which cries for Allah ( as well as the pain relief of poor people In the mystic songs Hason searched for an understanding and a realization of short span of time and the true meaning of life The Hason Raja Trust U K. decided to make a complex in the place of his where he grown up and lived until his death, in his own village By this we can give a tribute to this legend of our country and also can be enrich our folk music.

1.5. Aims And Objectives Of The Project:

Keywords linguistic representation, Hason Raja’s philosophy, metaphor as a pathway, journey toward vastness.

Aim of the project:

1. To make up student as an ideal citizen as a music specialist providing him/her with a programmed and balanced combination of general knowledge and music.
2. To flourish, develop and practice folk music without violating traditional and cultural values in contemporary context.
3. wider research on folk literature and culture.
4. to establish a library of rich collection on music and folk literature.
5. provision for conducting research, publication and recording Hason Raja’s songs.
6. to arrange seminars, symposium, debates, conferences etc.
7. also arrange festivals at least once a year to create an environment for cultural unity, harmony and interaction among singers, bauls and fakirs etc. and thus the formed cultural term can represent our tradition to the whole country and abroad.
8. To preserve the songs of Hason Raja, and other folk poets and thinkers
9. To preserve Hason Raja used artifacts and materials and living style through a museum which could be an national and international assets and resources as displayed.
10. To make an appearance of the place as tourist spot like a place of pilgrimage for many visitors as possible.

Justification Of Project Proposal:

Music is the most powerful formation of all arts, a media to reach an ultimate destination for all other forms of art Music is the first artistic realization of human mind, thus developing the interaction through the languages, a most powerful tool of human mind.

Under the above consideration, a project proposed for the Complex at his residence is based on the rural organic spatial order, use of indigenous building materials and musical education adapting the vastness of Hason’s philosophy, convey the message through the
natural phenomena.
Keywords linguistic representation, Hason Raja’s philosophy, metaphor as a pathway, journey toward vastness.

Technické informace

Design Data:

In Accordance With The Above Aims And Objectives, The Above Complex Should Be Comprising Of Such Components As Mentioned As Below:
1. Administration
2. Academic Section
3. Vocal Music Department
4. Instrument Music Department
5. Research Section
6. Library
7. Music Research Section
8. Museum
9. Publication And Sales Department
10. Multipurpose Hall
11. Open Space For Performance
12. Dormitory
13. Space For Fair
14. Bojra Nouka Ghat.
15. Practice Pad & Studio

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