
Conversion to Circular Warehouse

Bc. Markéta Káňová, Bc. Laura Doležalová
KU Leuven - International Master of Architecture - Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

Logictics has changed dramaticaly over time and warehouses are (or will be) looking for a new use. TT site in Brussels is an ideal area for a future urban and production development with good logistics connections. It has a very rich history and is a very important part of canal area. We also can not forget, as a humankind, to look for a better solutions of how we develope our urban areas and how we produce and consume. Because of that propose to create a new Circular Warehouse. By that we plan to create a building and an environment which will be beneficial for neighbourhood but also whole city of Brussels by adoption ideas of circularity. Place where people might move or even start their own business in a circular way. An inviting public space, where people might spend their time and learn more about circularity. Where people can buy products and use services offered by circular companies which will be renting a space in the building.

We want to create an opportunity for public interaction with circular companies and production in city – in a new, sustainable way. We also define a new access to the building for public and private. From Rue Lefevre we provide the public entrance for collecting the goods from people (public depot), and from the fenced area of harbour we provide secure access to receive goods from companies to store in the storages in the building (private depot).

Our proposal for the TIR building is a Circular Warehouse, which will be the place to bring a circular economy companies together to produce, store and sell in the united system and to provide a space (Social Interaction Platform) where public and companies can co-operate together and learn from each other.

Popis projektu

We propose a new Circular Warehouse, where we aim to show a new approach to production and community interaction in a circular way. We aim to create a “Window Towards Circularity”, where people will meet ideas of circularity. A rentable place, where people might move or start their own business. As well a place for public, where people could meet ideas of sustainability and bring these principles and products into their daily life.
We have the intention to transform the original TIR building into the new Circular Warehouse gradually, because we don’t want actual domestic companies to leave at once, to preserve economical sustainability of the building. We see the biggest potential to start this transformation on the corner of Rue Dieudonné Lefévre and Rue de Molenbeek, because it’s at the cross point of several streets of the neighbourhood and the entrance to the parc.

In the space between the building of Byrrh and the TIR building we plan to design a public space, where people spend their time in a qualitive environment. They also can learn more about circularity and participate during pop-up workshops organized by domestic circular companies but also external ones. Markets might be held in here but also weekend events, occasional screenings or any other community or company events. This square is connected to the park via new street and we will provide a covered promenade under a ramp heading in this direction. This square will be also connected to Social Interaction Platform with cafeteria and rentable space for community or company events or lectures.

We think it’s important to invite people into the building, to get them in touch with circular production and services. We propose to create a Social Interaction Platform, for public to spend their time here in cafeteria and to learn about circularity during lectures and workshops. This Platform will provide connection between public visitors and private companies. Social Interaction Platform will be a double height passage connecting square, promenade and courtyard. This courtyard will be a space which companies and public might use as a space for co-operations and for finding new social and business connections. It also might be used as shared space for informal company meetings and as a space for smaller pop-up events organized by domestic companies.

By creating this Circular Warehouse, we aim to design a qualitive working environment for circular companies. The transformation into a Circular Warehouse will start from the west side, where we see the biggest potential: the corner of Rue Dieudonné Lefévre and Rue de Molenbeek. In this stage we will redesign one third of the building, to host new functions such as workshops, shops, Social Interaction Platform and necessary facility. There will be also space for storing and arrival of merchandise. We propose to create a new courtyard, to bring natural light into the building. Around this “well of natural light” are going to be positioned workshops and other spaces that need light. In a first stage, the rest two thirds of the building will be left as it is – as a space for storing goods by actual domestic companies.

Our goal is to design an inspiring place, where will progressive and innovative companies work in circular way and to create an inviting environment that will encourage people to find out more about circular way of living.
An inviting environment that will encourage people to find out more about circular way of living.

Technické informace

Demolition waste strategy

According to the new use of the site, we propose to demolish an office building B and a ramp for decing goods in the second level. Demolishing an object also consist of dealing with construction waste. We did a reasearch on how we should deal with this issue, set the priorities with reusing and recycling materials. We have set main strategies, we want to follow:

The best way to recycle construction waste is to integrate it back into the new building or the new building site. While designing inner space, walls are not necessarily demolished. But also elements from building B might be used for needs of building C. Also furniture and sanitary can be easily integrated into design.

The key word here is local. In our close surrounding there is Interbeton company which is dealing with crushing concrete into agregate.This agregate might be used for new concrete or for road construction, pawements or landscape shaping.

The key is to know what we have and what we can use. While dealing carefully with „source“ which is building B, we have to sort materials carefully and then decide if we can reuse some elements od recycle them. Everytime its smart to follow hiearchy of how to deal with waste.

Recycling and reusing construction waste is not only a way of helping the planet, but also an opportunity to save money. In buying fewer new materials, recycling waste without having to transport it, or reselling it where is has market value, there are positive economic as well as environmental consequences.

It‘s always smart to save money and to protect our enviroment. But its not like reusing materilas and recycling them will automaticly lead to such a result. While dealing with reusing - especialy with facade systems we have to keep in mind that using old systems are not always the best solution. When it comes to the thermo comfort and dealing with heating, it might be better to design a new system, which will prevent heat losses and by that be economicaly and enviromentaly sustainable.

Sustainability strategy

- reuse existing building
- new public life

- contribution to the economic and social well-being of the community
- amenity of wider area
- social interactions
- education
- pop-ups
- job opportunity
- connection with wider area

- maximum use of natural light
- natural ventilation
- air purification by plants

- use of recycled materials
- turn demolished concrete ramp into aggregate and materials for a new square
- furniture, sanitary etc. from building B used for equipment
- reuse windows from building B

- energy efficiency
- renewable energy resources
- natural ventilation
- passive solar energy
- collecting solar energy with solar panels positioned on the roof
- use of plantS for shading and cooling – purify air, add humidity, production, shading, aesthetic, acoustics

- good natural ventilation
- heat accumulating materials
- water resources (fountains,…)
- chimney effect
- strategy – minimizing heat gains, shading, cooling, dispersing
- plants

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