
Symbiotic Habitat

Dukagjin Dedaqi, Endrit Latifi
University for Business and Technology - UBT

Idea projektu

The idea came when we were discusing the options of realizing the project and we decided that the option of terraces would be better option also for the comodity of humans that will live inside also for the city Prishtina where we made green terraces and roofs. Wr thought that this project would be a hand of help in war against global warm in our city which is ranked on top of air pollution.

Popis projektu

Our project is designed for 3 generations wich contains appartmans for familys, for students and for elderly persons. With the help of our mentor: Can.Dr. Banush Shyqeriu which we thank a lot for his help eveytime, we made hybrid rings where the habitant can spend time together. Also in the project there are a lot of green spaces.

Technické informace

For technical support we thanks our mentor: Can.Dr.Banush Shyqeriu for creating the templates.


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