
Time Curve / Krivka Času

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture

Idea projektu

The goal of this project was to achieve and explore a new meaning for what we mean by "home". Through various exercises I arrived at my final model of an abstract view of home through a fifth dimensional lens.

Popis projektu

This project is a result of my first studio programme where we were taught the basics of architecture and design, while trying to challenge the notion of what "home" means to us.
My interpretation of "home" was a straight timeline, which first turned into a curved line, then a looped line, and finally a 3D object.
My final model of "home", therefore, are curved lines displayed in space (space-time). The blue box displays the complexity of people. When we look at someone, we do not know what is hidden inside them, for example their feelings, thoughts or experiences. The 27 cubes are a representation of moments in space-time, where the "moment" is several years and not only a few seconds. Moments are places where we live that become our "home".
The curve, otherwise the cord or twine, shows our passage through time and its shape is an expression of the relationship between time and space.
I added the green tube first as a highlight of the curve, but it can also be interpreted as the space and time we directly experience.
Finally, the curve outside the box represents what we displaced from "home" and do not consider "home".

Technické informace

The final video was created using SketchUp.


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