

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

Popis projektu

Project Museum of mine Otto is revolving around an old abandoned mine Otto near town Prebuz.
It is located in Krusny Hory close to borders with Germany. The most prominant old structures
on the area are old mine Otto and main mining tower. Nowdays most of the mine is buried, only
concreate skelet remained.

Goal of my project was to restore and revive this old mine and give it a new purpose. In my
project i wanted to show these old structures as they are so i didnt renew them, but i created
some new building that are derived from the old ones. I created a new museum of history of mine
and mining and a café in the forest where people could rest and admire old mining tower.

The core of mine concept lies in a virtual exhibition, that would allow visitors to visit old
structures via extended VR and see as they looked like before. In the new museum people would
be able to borrow audio recorder and they could download app that would serve for a virtual

All visitors could visit these old structures by wooden path. These paths lead through
forest, where some remains of shafts can be discovered, nevertheless people will also
admire beautiful nature surrounding these old artifacts.


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