
Interpretation Centre at UNESCO World Heritage Site Bhimbetka Rock Shelters, Bhopal

Aastha Pareek
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal

Idea projektu

The project was to design a universally accessible Interpretation Centre for a Heritage Site in Bhopal. Bhimbetka Rock Shelters are proof one of the earliest traces of Mankind and have thus got UNESCO World Heritage recognition, but due to the terrain it is rendered inaccessible for most users, thus necessitating the need of an Interpretation Centre as a centre for dissemination of knowledge about the Rock Shelters.

Popis projektu

The idea behind the project was to revive the expression of the Rock shelters yet accessible to all user groups. A ramped slab has been used to bring out the essence of the transitional pathways of Bhimbetka and the galleries lie along the path of this slab, depicting the various aspects of the shelters. An attempt has been made to replicate the planar zoning of the shelters as well. The centre consists of an auditorium, galleries, exhibition areas, workshops, a library, lecture hall, cafe, restaurant, souvenir shop, and staff residences.

Technické informace

The idea of replicating Bhimbetka shelters has been achieved through the making of a walk-able slab which slopes upwards at 1:14 gradient and serves as slab for galleries which come along its length. The area under this slope has been used to accommodate the lecture halls, workshop etc. (spaces less visited by the public or used only for specific purpose and can be directly accessed)


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