
Caragi Cultrual Center

Kirana Nandang Sadhani Bantilan
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta website of the Department of Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia

Idea projektu

with the urgency of site issues which is the site area in the middle of city, dense area, completed with modern daily activity, it is needed to restore what is left behind. Through approach of critical regionalism of architecture tectonics, transparency with urban community, tactility, and the culture it self, it is the effort to preserving cultural memory from past and present for future, to have a soul experienced in human sense. So, that it will be long last on their memory and the value of culture is restored for communities.

Popis projektu

"Carub" and " ragi" the "mixture" of "soul" experience in journey. It’s important to waken up and restore human soul by senses of the culture through interact and participate. Cirebon city is multicultural city.This building representing the mixture of cultural value. Adapting the famous craft of fabric " Batik Cirebon", The kingdom " Keraton Kanoman" character to be adapted as visual form to connect the space and building itself and as a texture of transition between space. Caragi Cultural Center building playing with human senses to get the experience by triggering an active interaction and participation (tactility) with the building with the expression of woven circulation, flowing space, richness of visual in the building . The building is a piece of art and delivering the value of culture to be understanding more.The seamless of interior shows how the flowing, woven circulation and visual, triggered their vision to be memory. then by touching or interacting with building, it is triggered to be soul experience and memory.

Technické informace

The site location located in the middle of city, surrounded by urban communities and living mall. The main form of the building shows the icon of city, it will be the new identity of the city with culture value. From the site plan it is showed that the front part of building having a public space and a plaza for urban communities doing their daily activity. How the site plan connect with urban surrounding. The building function consist of theater, workshop area, an interactive gallery, amphitheater with richness of visual which building as background. The building using system wide span of steel frame truss and planed truss. completed with acoustic woven bamboo panel.

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