Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Hybrid Architecture Revamping Madina Market through Live/Work Approach

Muhammad Ibrahim

Idea projektu

Applying live work typology to reduce the increasing gap between a community, and to uplift their social value and recognition.

Popis projektu

Hybrid architecture is a term recognized in modernist architecture as an amalgamating design typology of two or more different types of living. As the name indicates Hybrid Architecture is a need base unit for people to build an environment which suits there working. Certain architects criticized it to be a compromise, but in the global run a house plus office, a market plus apartment and a restaurant plus shop suits the economic, regional and land use of people.
The 'live-work' typology is an amalgamation of the two structures of life, aimed to provide an ease of working from one’s home. Simply saying a ‘Live work’ typology specializes to provide both living and working from a single junction. The Egyptian civilization presents an early model for ‘live work’, which was meant to accommodate the brethren of artists in a threshold, where they would live together and benefit from one another. This helped them in growing as a community and flourish together. It also made them recognizable as a sacred society, in their own region, having people appreciate their art. Moreover their crafts would not get stolen by others, as what happens in a society, stays in it.
Karachi being a metropolitan city where people from all over Pakistan come and do business aiming to earn money, many a times having less amount to invest. It can be observed that business oriented, or work purpose migration is always encouraged in Karachi, ever since its inception. People come over here to work, and almost at every precedent we find them settling over here.
But what is the bond behind the two structures- Live and Work? Living in Karachi is quite difficult with inflation and economic conditions. The quality for life remains almost the same for people falling below a certain level of mediocrity. Hence can ‘Live work’ as a prototype for architecture help people to sustain their resources of both their work space, and live space in a single unit?
The aim of this dissertation is to find, how ‘Live work’ can work as a tool amongst the people of Karachi? Carrying out an extensive research upon the theme, it is set to investigate and apply this prototype of architecture upon a site and find how it may help the people, the surrounding and the city.

Architecture defines the spaces with respect to the activities its inhabitants perform in it. Usually it’s characterized into three spaces. The first space being the dwelling, the second is the workspace, and the third is the leisure space. From Mesolithic times to modernism we have found cognition in the 'Live' and 'Work' space. The ancient cave men found it much easier to live nearby where they worked, and we see that as a habit in modern times too. Egyptian history has a focus on an introvert approach for the craftsmen involved in 'Mummification' to live as a society. They found that living and working can increase integrity for people of same work.
These spaces have their own importance with everyone holding a specific hierarchy. Every space has its own attribute and essence. The story of living and working within a unified space is prevalent in history. Though both are different activities with their own identities, they seem to coexist. But as far as small scale businesses and moving away from families for work are challenging for every single person. They are beneficial and enhance in personal growth, reduce travelling and increase the quality of space.
“The space is to support you, make it to support your personal character and work”.
The rise of privately owned business and changes in advancement at first provoked various people in utilizing their homes for business meanders. The authorities are eager about live-work redevelopment, in light of the fact that the outcomes safeguard the noteworthy scene and offer a usable answer for empty structures.
Live/work started in the twentieth century, much to as a movement than an architecture prototype, attempting to keep away from moving to absolutely private residents. Live/work has since exhibited a productive heading for living and upgrades. Despite the way that there is a huge history behind it, live work has rather been understated.

In Karachi, there are various precedents of live-work but an architectural approach towards community building for people with similar crafts is rarely observed. Mixed use apartments have overcome the conception in the urban fabric which has catered to the use of people. But a set away from the precedent is an issue, which has to be catered for a stronger unity of people.

Technické informace

Used of steel structure with the existing concrete structure increases the durability of the architecture. Keeping the existing layout of the working space so the work don't get disturb as the majority are on daily wages. While redesigning the dera (living space).

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