
Recrenational and housing area Kokořín

David Cernik
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

Assignment for this project came from the owner of the area Jaroslav Kroužek. Our area is right under the castle Kokořín. Kokořínský důl is a place with long history and beatiful nature. There was a nice and famous hotel, with really good restaurant and huge nature swimming pool. The main idea of this project is bring back the glory which this place had in the last century. And also create parking big enough to handle summer busy times.

Zadání tohoto projektu vzešlo pana Jaroslava Kroužka, který je majitelem těchto pozemků. Náš pozemek se nachází hned pod hradem Kokořín. Kokořínský důl je místo s dlouhou historií a překrásnou přírodou. Kdysi zde stál slavný hotel s vyhlášenou restaurací a velkým přírodním bazénem. Hlavní myšlenkou tohoto projektu je přinést tomuto místu zašlou slávu a znovu ho oživit. A dalším podnikatelským záměrem bylo vytvořit parkovací plochu dost velkou, aby obstála i ve vytížené letní sezóně.

Popis projektu

I designed building of the turistic center in Kokořínský důl. Building has got three different functions, it´s a 1)hotel 2)restaurant and 3) buffet and background for the swimming pool. Building is imaginary divided by this three functions. You can see it on the different forms. All three forms are fuctionally conncted. Building is designed with context to the surrounding. Responding for that surrounding by the scale, volume, form (example is saddle roofs) and materials.

Technické informace

Building is designed like a wooden construction (CLT panels), because i wanted to create the most ecological building. There are also huge window surfaces in the main guests spaces, because i wanted to provide amazing views and connect them with the beautiful surounding nature. Like source of energry i want to use geothermal heat pump.


leaders of school studios: Ing. arch. Vojtěch Dvořák, Ing. arch. Pavel Filsak

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