

Université abou bakr belkaid de Tlemcen département d'architecture

Idea projektu

The city of Sidi bel Abbés built in the colonial period following a European model, has a
regional role thanks to its strategic position and its infrastructures. But today it faces the phenomenon
of urban sprawl and the devaluation of old centers.
The historic center has become cramped to contain additional overload, no longer assumes its macrourban and regional role. He suffers from a serious formal rupture, with the presence of incompatible
military functions.
Indeed, the requalification and enhancement of the historic center consists of the conversion
and regeneration of the military barracks of the gendarmerie school located in the historic center of the
city, taking advantage of the land potential of the wastelands recovered to carry out a project urban,
creating animation and attractiveness through commercial and tertiary activities, based on the
multifunctionality of space: (cultural, educational, leisure, residential ...). Reduce road space to make
the street pedestrian and injecting bike lanes and promoted public transit. Design the public space
(Places and green spaces) that irrigates the historic center, makes it readable and permeable to
different modes of travel, designed to be accessible to all, as a good that we share together, that we do
to live by his presence.

Popis projektu

Chapter I:
Theoretical approach and definition of concepts

Chapter II :
urban analysis of the agglomeration of Sidi Bel Abbes and definition of the general problematic:
Introduction :
This chapter aims at the understanding of the city, which is appropriate to develop an investigative knowledge by mixing the historical approach, geography, topographic and cartographic. Then, the delineation of urban air to analyze the mobility, the partition of the structuring equipment and the centralities in the city. After, we will try to superimpose the problems previously identified, to structure the general problem of the city of Sidi Bel Abbés
and propose general hypotheses for this problem.
Finally, we will draw the Master Plan of the city of Sidi Bel Abbés which will reflect on the general problematic with the deferential interventions projected.
Socio-economic reading
Landscape analysis
contraintes and servitudes
Delimitation and accessibility of the urban area
Infrastructure and mobility
Urban transport in common
The structuring equipment of the city
Analysis of the centralities in the city
Delimitation by sectors
Urban development interventions
Conclusion :
After studying and analyzing the city of Sidi Bel Abbés, through different
approaches (urban and natural landscape, infrastructure and mobility, urban centralities)
it seems obvious that the city has many potentialities.
Through the Master Plan, we tried to improve the problem, in
exploiting the different assets that benefit the city while ensuring a balance in
between the different corners of the urban area.

Chapter III :
Diagnosis and urban analysis of the historic center
From Sidi Bel Abbés

Introduction :
We will begin in this chapter by the choice and the definition of the study area, in which one
will make a typo-morphological analysis, in order to arrive at the specific problematic of this zone. Then propose the specific hypotheses.
Choice of the study area:
Several selection criteria were needed to delimit the historic center as a study area :
First, it represents a supreme manifestation of colonial urbanism, which offers a well-preserved
image of architecture. Subsequently, the impact of the area on the city, through the attachment
and attendance exercised by the entire agglomeration.
Finally, the presence of an opportunity for renovation and regeneration of incompatible
brownfields. In the context of urban renewal.

Reading G.O.P (Ground Occupation Plan):
Typo-morphological analysis:
1. The full and the empty:
2. Urban typology
. Habitat :
There are types of habitats:
a) The individual colonial housing :
It represents a large part of the real estate of the historic center and adjoining neighborhoods
b) with a height varying between R.D.C and R + 2 and a built and degraded state.
c) Postcolonial individual housing:
Especially in adjacent neighborhoods, with opaque and poorly treated facades.
The absence of this type in the historical core.
Remark : The residential function is dominant in our study area characterized by a ground floor reserved for trade and service.
d) Collective housing:
Integrated habitats up to eight R + 8 due to the high price of land that has favored the development of collective housing vertical. With a DRC
reserved for commerce, to make them profitable
d) Collective housing:
Integrated habitats up to eight R + 8 due to the high price of land that has favored the development of collective housing vertical. With a DRC
reserved for commerce, to make them profitable
. Equipment

Constraints of the study area
The natural landscape
Elements of milestones and centralities:
Roadway and mobility
Architecture and built environme
Problems and specific hypotheses

Following a morphological typo analysis based on the stratification of the elements of urban
composition. The method adopted is based on a system of superimposition of basic
cartographic data (forms, functions, partitions, masses, roads ....) To deduce the logic of
urbanization exciting and propose a model of action based on assumptions dictations.

Chapter IV :
Operational intervention:

Introduction :
In this chapter, we will first make a thematic analysis in order to get an idea about urban
programming and to draw on experiences of interventions in similar circumstances.
Then, we will propose two development scenarios and choose the most suitable. Then develop
it under intervention strategies that translate into the overall development plan.

Thematic Analysis:

1st example: The conversion of the Brive-la-Gaillarde barracks:
2nd Example: THE CASINO OF BONNE IN GRENOBLE (Emblematic Project of a Sustainable Development in the Frenchwoman)
3rd Example: Casernes Beaumanoir and Guesclin. 1875. A BEAUTIFUL

. The development scenarios:

The common objectives of the scenarios:
• Convert the brownfields (the gendarmerie school)
• Densify urban fabric
• Create a functional mix
• Highlight the major elements (the seat of the wilaya, public garden)
• Strengthen inter-neighborhood axes
• Design an open and crossing place
• Welcome new tertiary and commercial activities

Scenario 1: Complementarity of urban events in the converted barracks of
the historic center of Sidi Bel Abbés.
Description: The project is a classic intervention in the site of the two barracks of the historic
center, which consists of continuity with the existing pattern of the checkerboard pattern by
creating the holes at equidistance

Scenario 2 (Retention): The reconversion of the barracks of the gendarmerie school, for a sustainable urban regeneration of the historic center of Sidi Bel Abbés.
A more complex vision that takes into consideration the entire surrounding
neighborhood environment for a good integration into the urban fabric. By putting in synergy the different strategies (forms) of interventions namely:

1st intervention strategies: Improvement of the circulation scheme.
After the recovery of barracks, we will create axes to integrate the existing fabric.Pedestrian traffic will be prioritized with the injection of cycle paths

2nd intervention strategies: The development of a functional mix
Following a thorough urban analysis; a generating process of urban intensity has been
developed in a place that lacks it and aims to:
A functional and social mix. Inject activity venues to create more animation and make it
attractive day and night. A strategy of cultural attractiveness, residential, leisure, cultural,
and sporting by the realization of small equipment scattered throughout the neighborhood.

3rd strategies of interventions: The conservation of the architectural heritage.
This strategy aims at a transformation through space interventions that by the diversification of the habitat. The rational use of land, the preservation of the existing urban architectural heritage and preserving urban unity. Interventions of demolition, reconstruction, rehabilitation, presidentialization and change of use.
Existing buildings:
The classification of the buildings of the two barracks:
First the classification of buildings gives 3 types of buildings in the two barracks:
Type A : In the realization of the French urban engineering buildings of more values are around the place of the weapon and the place of honor which one must preserve them.
Type C : These buildings that serve as control shelters and sentry boxes have no function in an urban project, so they must be demolished.
Type B : The rest of the buildings of the two barracks are classified of type B, we will keep all that to adapt with the schema of structure, the rest of the buildings which do not adapt to the reflection of the schema of structure will be demolished
4th strategies of interventions: The enhancement of the Urban Landscape.
To manufacture the public space is to approach the city by its hollows, by its voids. Public space irrigates the city, makes it readable and permeable to different modes of travel. For this, it must be designed to be accessible to all, as a good that we share together, that is made to live by his presence.

The principles of intervention:
* Link between the two major components of the site the public garden and the
headquarters of the Wilaya, the latter which will be valued and have a new
aspect suitable to its importance.
* Put an end to the predominance of cars in the streets, and thus reduce the road space to make the street pedestrians, The idea is to reduce as much the rate of air pollution as that of noise pollution.
"It's about giving the streets back to the citizens, who will be able to enjoy new uses and new rights in their neighborhoods, which will become an area of commerce, culture and knowledge, expression, participation and more than just a place of passage", explains Irene Capdevila

surface program

final redevelopment card

The simulation of the project:

Technické informace

Technical part of urban planning:

The main objectives of all these operations is to:
- Arrange less and better: public spaces are often congested by street furniture to overcome a ban on parking
for example.
- Look for coherence: it is a question of avoiding the adjustments which are done piecemeal in order to
palliate a punctual dysfunction.
- Avoid multiplying models, colors and styles of furniture,
- Give an identity to the municipality and highlight its architectural heritage and landscape
- Manage the sharing of space: accompany and streamline circulation; protect users, building components
and plant heritage; participate in the continuity of the pathways of the different modes of travel
- Embellish the living environment: participate in the improvement of the living environment; contribute to
the identity of the municipality; harmonize public spaces between old center and peripheral districts;
improve the quality of tourist use.
1.2 Principles of implantation of street furniture in the public space :
- Free spaces devolved to pedestrians from any unexpected obstacle by limiting the amount of elements
implanted and by controlling their disposition.
- Order the furniture on the public domain.
- Offer a more coherent landscape that is more fluid and more respectful of the built environment.
1.3 Urban planning principles:
1. Consider any possible alternative to obstacle installation in the pedestrian area, especially during road
transformation projects (leveling, specific curb treatments).
2. Guarantee the continuity of the paths and the safety of the pedestrian users by a clear implantation of
the protection elements.
3. Restrict the diversity of models for a better readability of devices for sharing public space, thus more
security, and more coherence in the urban landscape.
4. Limit the quantity of elements by optimizing their layout (spacing, alternating with other types of
furniture that could hinder parking).
1.4 The choice of models of street furniture:
The furniture must meet the following criteria:
- Respond to a specific need for the community,
- Offer a minimum of space,
- Offer all the guarantees of durability of the structure and renewal (follow-up of the manufacturers), in
particular by presenting a good resistance to corrosion.1.4.1 Mobilité urbaine :


AHMED Mohamed Amine

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