
1+1 : Conection between generations

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Idea projektu

Task: A vision for the Urban Regeneration of the community of Gran San
Blas Area of Madrid – Calle Nueve, numbers: 6,8,10 and 3,5,7 inhabiting the 2 indicated building (Building 1 and Building 2) by working and proposing solution for the constructions as well as for the surrounding areas/constructions situated in 1,2,3,4 zones. During the construction phases the inhabitants will continue to live in the buildings. The most part of the inhabitants are the owners and consist in 60/70% of elder people.
The main scope of the project will be to increase the well-being of the inhabitants while making the area more desirable and attractive for new, young families. The high-performance thermal, acoustic, fire protection and daylight requirements have to be considered in order to achieve the Multi-Comfort criteria.
- insufficient insulation due to small windows;
- the courtyard is used for storage space and due to this the ground floor is not comfortable for living;
- the house is not insulated- high costs for heating and air conditioning;
- it is inconvenient to reach the upper floors with cargo - no lifts;
- the quarter is functionally poor;
- on site 4 is an excellent park by nature, but poorly equipped and little used
- improvement the insulation conditions;
- add the elevators for easy movement;
- relocation the residents from the ground floor to a new built-up forth floor and adaptation the ground floor to the public functions;
- creation the new community function for the courtyard;
- addition the all apartments with the galleries - terraces;
- buildings thermal modernization;
- using the renewable energy sources for hot water supply, cooling, heating and outdoor lighting;

Popis projektu

The renovation scheme by stages:
- superstructure of the 4th floor;
- extension the elevators;
- Increase the windows on southern facades;
- buildings insulation, mounting the sun screens;
- construction the stylobate floor and reorganization the storages;
- extension the open galleries-terraces with a system of sun protection;
- relocation the residents from the ground floor to the forth( with the similar planing) and adaptation the ground floor to the public functions;
- landscaping the courtyard for rest and communication.
Buildings will receive such functions:
- from 1t to 4th floor - housing;
- ground floor: bakery, yoga club, library and computer center, barbershop, cooking, pharmacy, shops;
- on the roofs there are mini gardens, patio, grill; also there is a space for solar batteries and collectors;
- storages are in the stylobate floor, on its roof - zone for rest and communication;
Two buildings are united by a courtyard - plots 1,2,3. This is a community zone. Plot 4 - park with fountain , installation "Wish board"/"Infinity of Knowledge tape" and territory for games. For park I suggest next scenario: active rest + social activity + passive rest. Installation the "Wish board", where everyone can write what he would add to increase the quality of urban environment. As an option, installation "Infinity of Knowledge tape" with mounted flexible AMOLED screens and opportunity of video mapping, VJ-shows and public performances.

I adopt the ground floor apartments to public functions and make separate entrances from the street;
- each section is complemented by elevator, concierge and wheelchair room and has an exit to the stylobate floor and to the courtyard;
- in the stylobate floor I place storages and technical rooms;
I add galleries-terraces with a system of sun protection. Each apartment receives a large terrace overlooking the courtyard;

Technické informace

The details show how I create the thermal envelope of the house, using the ISOVER insulation;

Acoustic comfort is achieved by:
- using ISOVER acoustic insulation
-and tripple-glazed windows KLIMATOP ACOUSTIC.

Fire safety is provided by fire resistance of load-bearing structures REI 120.

I protect the apartments from overheating with perforated metal screens. In winter I use the sun energy for passive heating. On the roof I propose to place solar panels and use the electricity to illuminate the facades. From the roof I can collect 207 cubic meters rain water per year for watering plants. I achieved visual comfort by daylight autonomy more than 62%. For storages in the stylobate floor I use natural ventilation . Also in spring and autumn its used for apartments.

Winter-summer, fresh air entering the apartments through a recuperator and a ground air heat exchanger.
I propose to use a ground-water heat pump for the heating system in winter and cooling in summer. It works by solar energy. Hot water can be obtained with the help of solar collectors.

The annual heating demand is 8.80 kWh per square meter per year, for cooling - 13.47. The percentage of overheating is 0.That allows to reach energy efficiency class A.
The cost of my renovation project is fully recovered by selling the ground floor for commercial use (accordingly the Spanish prices).


Teacher: Leshchenko Nellya

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