
Theatre populaire ideal

emilio chacar
USEK - Holy spirit University of Kaslik

Idea projektu

The idea is to make a project for local citizens in which they will feel confortable, surrounded by nature (to feel relaxed and decrease pollution), also offering local people their needs while giving them the chance to sell their daily and artisanal products. The urban plan of Ouagadougou is characterized by several axes of different directions, the dwellings are in a grid (modules). This is why, in the CDC project, the additional buildings will follow the same axes of the city and these buildings will follow the shape of the dwellings or modules.
The region of the land to study is the only green space in the city, for this in the concept The axes of the cities and the architecture will dissolve in degradation and will camouflage themselves in nature, and finally it will become nature itself- even. It is a transitory space from the city to nature and from nature to the city.

Popis projektu

The municipal waste place is next to the land. The project will transform this weak point to a strong point from which all the inhabitants will benefit. In the CDC I added two functions which are the production of energy by waste not only for the CDC but also for the dwellings which surround it, and recycling and reuse of the material in other productions.
There is a theater in the CDC which is in the open air, I will add a roof following this frame above the stage, and I will integrate nature on its slope so that the space is more alive and to soften its geometric shape.
The different axes will allow several accesses which will allow a different visit for the visitors and the people who live in this city and then each one will live an event different than the other.
Visitors will discover the space through an Architectural Nature Walk (tropical nature), allowing you to relax while passing through this space.
The addition of a circulating body of water in the project which is the source of life, and the essential element for the existence of nature.
The facade of the project will be exposed to the city while being the place of commerce of the inhabitants to ensure their daily necessities.

Technické informace

The use of local materials (wood, earth ...) will allow the project to respect the traditions and lifestyles of the inhabitants to feel comfortable and likewise at a lower cost.
The project will have a complementary part to the theater, a complementary part to the CDC a production part (electricity and recycling), conviviality and kiosks for artisans.
since the roads are unpaved, and the earth is the essential element, the project will have the same appearance.

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