
Automated Habitats: Metabolism In Motion

Rim Sibai, Aya Rahmy, Farah Ahmed
American University of Sharjah, College of Architecture, art and Design, Sharjah
Spojené arabské emiráty

Idea projektu

Automated Habitats proposes an architecture that is resilient and responsive to today’s free world economy. The project, which caters to a transient population immigrants, attains flexibility by combining Metabolist theories and today’s car robotic automation technology. The result is a dynamic, hyper thin hybrid that uses the E311 highway to grow, facilitates easy and fast car access, and economizes on cheap land flanking highway systems.

Popis projektu

Automated Habitats proposes an architecture that reframes the conversation on supply and demand in the architectural world. Rather than becoming victim to the booms and busts of the world’s economy, as we have seen in the case of Emirates City, habitat in auto-motion thrives upon a changing market. It caters to the transient demographic of the UAE, where immigrants make up 80% of a population that is always growing and changing. The project is a crossbreed of ideas from metabolism and today’s car robotic automation technology.

Technické informace

The Project adds entirely new dynamism to the theories put forward by Metabolists on living cells which are always growing and changing. Situated along E311, Habitat in Auto-motion attaches itself to a complex network of roads interlinked with the highway. This allows for easy car access and the creation of a hyper-thin typology that can fluidly grow using highways without producing issues that arise out of urban sprawl such as higher water and air pollution, increased traffic fatalities, and jams and loss of agricultural capacity. Meanwhile, it dissolves boundaries created by highways so that an overall picture of porosity and fluidity can be achieved within the city.

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