Urbanistický design a krajinářství

Wave of nature

Bc. Eliška Syrová
Czech Univerzity of Life Sciences
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

The project associates the most important element of the composition – the river Vltava. Shapes of vegetation reminds waves of the river. The design of architectural elements represents connection between nature and people. These architectural elements should support the activities of the local associations such as small concerts, theatre performances and education in the nature. The dominant of this project are residential stairs. We should underline the importance of the nature in these times. The project should also support shelter animals.

Popis projektu

The Location of this project is near the train station "Roztoky" and the Roztoky Castle. So, there is historical connection. In terms of transport, there is a ferry station "Roztoky-Klecánky" so there is the high possibility to attract lot of people. For more comfort for cyclists and walkers, stone paving and widening of the asphalt road is designed. Along the asphalt road was designed an alley of trees witch are in potential natural vegetation - Carpinus betulus. It provides more shadows, structure and atmosphere. In the space of project there are Quercus robur and Acer platanoides - also trees of potential natural vegetation. Grass beds have composition meaning so there has to be steel plate for protect from the grass expansion. The types of grass are also by potential natural vegetation - Calamagrostis arundinacea, Festuca ovina, Luzula luzuloides, Poa nemoralis. This sortiment should rise and stay long-term in the location. Grass offer hiding and evolution for animals.

Covered podium has specific design of the roof. There are interconnected circles which symbolize connection between nature and people. The roof can be seen from surrounds rocks and high positions. Inside the podium you can see a multi-level seating. So, it is perfect for small performances or presentations. Constructional poles are used for climbing plant - Clematis vitalba. They provide more structure and colors to the place in the good scale.

Waiting platform for ferry is covered and shaped in the similar design like the podium. But there is seating semi-circle with views on the boat. A stony wall was designed for disfavor weather. Podium and waiting platform for ferry are barrier-free.

Residential stairs should support special activities for children, but it can be also use by all categories of ages. Older people can relax on this place. This element should connect main thing - water with people in strait way. Also, this may offer different perspective and fun with the river.

So, there are 3 centers with specific function, but they are in harmony with nature and people.

Technické informace

Podium and waiting platform of the ferry was designed from oak wood. Dark colors of the connected circles on the roof must be stained. The material of the seating and floor inside is the same wood - oak. It is resilient wood with nice structure. Stones from nearest local stone pit should be used for the Stony wall. Residential stairs were designed from the resilient material - concrete. In the future, the materials will grow old as they belong to nature. The stairs are surrounded by stones which should support hiding place for animals. Also, there is rectangle from concrete - for hiding animals.

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