
National Parliament Museum

Md Junaied Saif
Premier University, Chittagong.

Idea projektu

Bangladesh is a democratic country. Political History of Bangladesh begins after the independence in 1971. National parliament museum can be used as a political history resource center. For the betterment of our future, this museum can be the one and only museum to conserve our political history.
National parliament museum will show the common people to understand the real meaning of democracy. Democracy refers to a system of government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised through a system of direct or indirect representation which is decided through periodic free elections.
This museum will be dedicated to tell the story of the democracy of Bangladesh. National parliament museum can represent our democratic history and also can represent our parliament house, which carry our history before the birth of Bangladesh.

Popis projektu

• In my design, i took two square form which represent our two democratic history before and after the liberation war. Both square form are attached by a circular form. The form is almost symmetric.

• I tried to achieve the philosophy of Louis I kahn. From outside, the museum looks huge and monumental. But in the inside, it is full of light.

• There are many steps where people can easily see through one part to another.

Technické informace

Essential Services
• Ticket Counter
• Information Services
• Souvenir shop
Subsidiary activities zone
• Administrative Offices
• Meeting space
• Lecture Room
• Library
• Multipurpose
• Archive
• Electric Apparatus
• Pump Room
• Store Room
• Service
• Service entry
• Workshop
• Parking
• Toilets
Exhibition Room
• Galleries
• Sculpture Zone
• Audio Visualization

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