
Financial District Business Center

Mohammed Hashim
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal
Saúdská Arábie

Idea projektu

Sudan is well known for its reach resource such as agriculture livestock raw minerals ...etc. but still, Sudan is facing economically Criss, due to several reasons, one of which is the lack of a proper outlet to these resources. This where I inspired the idea of the financial district & business centre. a place where all investors & tradesmen either locally or international gather, where the district & the business centre will not form a window for Sudan international trades & invest, it will also be Tourist attraction which will create a memorial image in its visitors.

Popis projektu

The project consist of two main scopes:
1- detailed design for the business centre
2- masterplan for the Financial District.

Technické informace

The financial district is designed to interact with user and his comfort inspiring by LEED neighborhood design where almost 80% of circulation within the island is for pedestrians with tram to support connections with far ends. as for the business center has semi out door hall connects all functions together which will create sense of interpretation between indoor and outdoor making the project part of the island not isolated building.
project presentation consist of:
-Island masterplan
-Building masterplan
-Parking plan
-Ground floor plan
-First plan
-Cross sections
-2 elevation
-3D isometric structure & brief structure plan
-3D section & iso metric plan

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