
Cultural Community center

Aleph Alemneh
mekelle university

Idea projektu

The idea of the project was to integrate the nature, society and there routine. By studying the surrounding programs and the people's activity the aim was to connect it to the surrounding nature.

Popis projektu

The project aims to address the surrounding programmes and people. Which are mainly schools, ref ugi camp,residence and nursing home. So I provided a program which can be economical, technological,natural and social benefit for the people. The programmes to implement this benefits are library, workshop, recreational area, and a shop/gallery.
Although those programmes are hard to put together it is possible to integrate it to the context and routine of the people.
The strategies used where cultural workshop and showroom of there product to create economical and social values, library spaces (outdoor, digital library, children's library and general library) to create social, natural and technological values and lastly recreational area( landscape and cafeteria) to create social and natural values.

Technické informace

The form was created by the land scape and open space created by the existing activities.(illustration of the main ideas and context). The construction materials are bamboo and stone they are local materials and socially accepted.. The images focus more on the experience and routine which are to be created.

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