
Residental living made of the containers

Kornélia Faklová
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

My sister and her wife came up with an idea of building a new family house for them and their children. They read that the containers are easier with the administration of building permission and they are also sustainable and ecological. I found it really interesting to look at this topic and investigate if the house of containers would be cheaper and more eco than the house of bricks.

Popis projektu

There are a lot of possibilities to make an interesting space with containers and their shapes. However there is also a lot of limits which should be considered. You can find them in the section of "technical information". At the end of the designing I sent the study of the building to the real company who built these type of houses of containers. I found out that this house designed to be built of the containers is half more expensive than with the bricks. Even this there is a lot of the technical limitations which you should focus on where you are using the containers. In addition, there are many technical limitations how the containers can be used.

Technické informace

Also, making the main bedroom only from the one container would not create enough space. The inside measure of the container is just 2,6 meter, so it does not allow comfortable access to double-bed from both sides. Another thing, that should be considered when building a house from containers is the placement of the bathroom. The bathroom, toilet and the kitchen should be placed near facade. The reason is, that when the construction starts, these rooms need to be close to the outside wall to enable easy manipulation and also access for the future reparations of the tubes. The support skeleton needs to be placed in some grid to hold the rooftop.



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